need advice... got any
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pgreen    posted on 10-10-2007 04:16
I did a outdoor party last week.? At the end of the gig during teardown, the freakin sprinklers came the way this was at a golf country they were more like water cannons.? Me and all my gear got soakin wet.? However, I don't know if there is any 'actual' damage...I am concerned about future gigs and having problems...any ideas about compensation from the country club?etc...has this ever happened to you?? what do I do?
Mod edit by W.i.M on 08-01-2011 15:31 (11%)

What do you think about need advice... got any ??

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Luxx    posted on 10-10-2007 08:35
check if you have some dammage. if you do, then reclaim the repair costs

i cant imagine how you haven't got any damage
User edit by Luxx on 10-10-2007 @ 08:36:12 (67%)
Lead    posted on 10-10-2007 08:46
It's not neccesary that your gear is damaged. It's well possible that the water only hit the outside of the gear. I don't think you geet compensated without knowing what's wrong with your gear.

So check the gear if you can find anything that's wrong. If so, let it check at a service centre. With that info you can think about the nexts steps... But I don't think you can ever claim more than the cost of any repair would cost.

Please remember that most of us are here in Europe and that our law system isworking very differently than yours Winking my eye
Let the BASS be louder
Camino    posted on 10-10-2007 12:15
First off, i'll start with the bad news. No, you probably do not have the right to receive a compensation, unless it was contractually stated prior to the gig. And even if it was, unless you're legally DJing (as in: paying taxes on your proceeds etc etc), then they have more dirt on you then you have on them. Thats just legally speaking, but who knows, they might be nice people. The good news however is that generally damage due to water effects your gear instantly, or within a good week's time, the circuit boards corrode rather quickly so if its been a while already, i wouldn't be too worried about dammage.

And has this happened to me? No, not quite, but i've had a Kaoss Pad and a CDJ 800 stolen from me if that makes you feel any better :p
OneSixty    posted on 11-10-2007 00:56

i guess that the sprinkler system turned on automatically?

It would be very dumb if someone turned it on :O

in both ways’ it would be the fault of the owners, they should’ve told you 

Dislexie    posted on 15-11-2007 06:40
Anyone wanna buy a kaoss-pad + CDJ-800? Cry

Just kidding....

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