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  DJResource Guidelines  Anything you'll need to know

Submitted by Lead  Flag on 06-02-2004 09:00
This content is © 2004-2024 The DJResource


As DJResource is a self-developed platform all the sections you can visit are custom build and designed for the needs we've had at the time. As time passes features and functionality is constantly adjusted, so it can be usefull to know what we've done and why.

This article will give background information about all of the modules, aswell as covering a lot of the Frequencty Asked Questions we've got over time.


The information below is ordered by module or section.

If what your looking for is not mentioned here, feel free to start a thread on our forums.

Ultimately you can also contact us by the email address given on the Contact page.


DJResource aims to offer a helpfull community for people at all stages of their DJ career or hobby, backed by quality content. Each piece of content has the possibility for our members to write a comment, reaction or add information to the topics. We expect from our members posting allong these lines that contribute to the subject stated in the starting post. When posting keep this in mind :

  • Forums: Stick to a topic, start new threads if you want to discuss something different than stated in the openingspost.
  • Gallery: only DJ related images
  • DJ Booth: post pictures of your booth at home, not on a job (they can go in your album in the Gallery
  • Productions: only your own unreleased music to avoid copyrights


Language English and Dutch

Although DJResource is a DutchDutch website, most content is in EnglishEnglish because we have an international group of members and an even bigger group of visitors. All Admins and Moderators can write in both languages so if you need a translation from dutch to english, just ask.

If you topic/post is specific for the dutch region you can make your statement in Dutch. If it's a more general topic it might be a good idea to try to post it in english (or ask a moderator to help you translate) in order to get the most feedback.

  Membership & Registration

Why should I Register

Other than fun and the community feeling there is no real need for you to register. Although registering yourself does have certain advantages. Some parts of this website might give you a warning that you don't have the right member level for a certain page. Other parts you don't show up at all untill your logged in.

How to get a Membership

Registration on DJResource is a 3-step procedure and can be done in a few minutes. Registration is free.
The only thing you need is a valid e-mail address. After registration you will get a mail with a link to activate your account. If you hit that link you will activate your account and will be logged in.

Benefits of a Membership

  • You can make postings in the forums
  • You can create a poll that displays on the mainpage (admin supervision)
  • All postings/additions you do are registered to your name
  • You activity on DJResource is measured and reflected in a Member Level
  • You can Download the files on this website
  • Add your own files to our Downloads
  • You can add your links to our Weblinks and Topsite List
  • You get your own Album in our Gallery where you can upload images
  • You can give comment to images in our Gallery
  • Sort thumbnails from any album in the Gallery by : Number of views, Last Uploaded, Last Comment given
  • Give comment to topics that are published on this site
  • Add a picture of you gear in the DJ Booth
  • Add your DJ profile to our DeeJay's section
  • And more.....

Memberlevels and Perks

You're activity on DJResource is measured and is reflected by a Member Level. You're level will rise when you get more active and helpfull on all of the interactive parts of DJResource. This is an automated system, just be active and it will rise. There are some forums that will open up at certain member levels so you can communicate with alike members.

Everybody starts here.
Well on your way.
Full speed ahead.
Extra Semi-Pro Forum opens to chat with other Semi-Pros.
Almost the highest level, keep it up.
Highest level you normally would reach, opens Pro-Member Forum.
We thought it was imposibble to achieve this level.


Only on promotion by an Admin :
Sponsors/Donators of DJResource, RESPECT.
Maintainers of the Gearbase, opens own forum.
Pro +
Members with exceptional skills, opens own forum.
Moderators moderate and maintain one or more of the forums on this website. If you think that an action of one of our moderators does not meet this FAQ or is wrong in your point of view you should report this to the site administration via the Contact form. Always include the link of the page to what post you refer, or copy part of a mail to get problem solved !
NOT available but it exists :
W.i.M & Lead, founding members and programmers of DJResource.


Gold Membership & Donations

DJResource has always been a privately funded website by W.i.M and Lead and is developed from scratch by them. We've always had very helpful comments on the forums that helped is to improve the website.

As some members wanted to financialy contribute to the website we've created a special member status with some perks as appreciation, this is the Gold Membership and it has the following benefits :

  • Gold members do not see banners or adverts on DJResource
  • A Golden + shows next to your username
  • There is a special forum which is only accessible for Gold Members
  • Gold members do not see banners or adverts on DJResource
  • You can have the a bigger amount of pictures in your album (100 instead of 50)


How to get Gold Status ?

When you make a financial donation to support our project of any value, you are awarded with the Gold Status for 1 year.

If you want to help, contact the Admins. Find the details at Contact Us.

  Articles (previously DJ Topics)

The most informative sections of DJResource is our Topics Section, here you will find lots of information that goes deeper into a product or issue than the regular information you will find on the internet.

Product Information is neutrally written and does not give a final verdict about a product. It is more a description of all function and tricks that can be performed with this product. The topics are certainly NOT just a simple review but purely based on FACTS!


  Picture Gallery

Our Gallery is one of the oldest sections on DJResource and was created as a possibility for our members to share images with others.


How to get your own Album for your images?

When an image is uploaded to the Gallery it will be added to your personal Album, if that album does not exist it will be created during the upload.


What images can you upload?

DJResource is a dj-related website so the content should be of interrest for DJs (hobby or pro). There are no fixed set limitations to the images you can upload, but they can be removed if they are in conflict with our Terms of Use. Add pictures of gear or parties, no of XXX, illegal stuff, violence, racism, spam, etc.


Can I upload to another album than my own?

No you cannot, but you can ask one of the admins to move a picture if you think it better fits another album. Images will not be moved to other member's album.



The forums is the best way for our members to interact with eachother and to share knowledge, everybody can read the forums but you have to be logged in to post a reaction.

Our forums is the oldest section on DJResource and is the core around we've build up the platform. 


Starting a new Topic/Thread

Always use the Search first, a lot of questions are allready asked in the past so the answer your looking for might be on the forums allready.

If you open a new topic you have to go to the proper forum section first and start the new thread there. It will be placed in that forum automatically after you submit it.

Write clear titles, do NOT use 'I have a problem', rather write a descriptive one like 'Formatting SD card gives XXX error'. This makes it more attractive for others to read it and to give you an answer.

Forum Ethics

  • Don't Flame other members
  • Motivate your statement as much as possible
  • Do not post links or refers to commercial websites and webshops
  • Posting Links, or ask for them, for a webshop or price comparison websites is not allowed
  • Talk about features and functions, price issues are far less relevant and not allowed
  • Only advertise your personal website in this forum or try adding it to the links
  • Do not SHOUT by using a lot of CAPITALS in your writing
  • Don't use 'turbo-language'
  • Write proper sentences with 1 Capital and ending with a point.

  My Topic/Thread is closed/locked/archived

If your topic is being closed and you don't agree with the moderator who closed it then Contact the Admins with your complaint. If you can convince them, the topic might be re-opened.

DO NOT open a new topic about the same subject without good argumentation or flaming about the reason your previous one was closed.


  What are the Polls?

The polls are made to get the opinion of the people that visit this website. Only registered members can start a poll by posting this in any of the forums. Each computer can only vote once, after you've voted you will see the results of the poll instead of Vote Buttons.

You can ask any type of question or statement in a poll as long as it's in line with the general content of the DJResource (So DON'T start a poll that's about : xxx-rated stuff, racism, political statements, hate, cursing etc.). Let's just keep it normal, administrators have a final verdict to delete the poll from the frontpage, or entirely when they think it's in to far off the main interest of the general visitors of this website.


  Marked Topics, what's that ?

You could see a marked topic as a bookmarked topic, the icon resembles a magnet. Once marked a topic will have a different color on the frontpage and it will always stick to the top of the topics list in the forums. Also you can get an e-mail if somebody replies on that topic.

You can mark or unmark a topic by opening it and look for the button at the top right of the screen. You can mark all topics, started by yourself or somebody else.



In the Downloads you can find mostly supporting files for the Articles (Pioneer DJ Manuals and Product Images) and DJResource related downloads like Wallpaper, video's and such.

It is not possible for our members to add files to the Downloads, contact the Admins if you have something we should be having there.


  DJ Booths (or Djsets)

The DJ Booth section of DJResource is a bit of our Pride and Glory, it was designed and developed by ourself. It shows our members DJ Booth at home with a listing of gear used (that would later be linked to the Gearbase)

It al started with a thread in our forum: [Pics] Your DJ Booth. It was the biggest growing thread at that time (februari 2002) and as coders/designers we thought we should do something with this. Early 2005 we started making the module and by may 2005 we finished it and the first DJBooth was added.


How to add your DJ Booth?

Behind the scenes the DJ Booths are linked to images in the Gallery. If you add an image to your album in the Gallery, you will see the option to also add the image to the DJ Booth section. If you select that option, after upload of your image you will be forwarded to the DJ Booths. Here you can add gear items, descriptions and such.

If the image is allready in your album, go to the page showing the image and press the button to add that image to the DJ Booths.

When submitting your booth fill out a proper name, preferably with year/month so you can easily find it back.


Adding gear to your DJ Booth

  • Select equipment from our Gearbase
  • Add all items you see on the picture
  • Only add items that are visible (in frame)
  • All gear counts for one, when 2 decks visible, add 2 times
  • Speakers are EXCEPTION, and are entered per set (2)
  • Only add things with a power plug, no accessoires or flightcases
  • Do NOT add consumer electronics, lighting, computers etc.



The Productions section on DJResource is meant to offer our members the ability to spread their OWN CREATIONS. It is not allowed to upload files you did not create yourself.



All used gear in our DJ Booth section, added with lots of old nostalgic items. Just browse around on a path through the history of DJ Gear



The Imagedump was created to offer our members the possibility to upload and use images on DJResource without the risk of these images being tasken offline over time. Members can upload any size image (some file size restrictions may apply) and get a link to embed that image on ie. the Forums. But these images can also be used on other platforms as the Imagedumps gives you the hotlinks for these images.


What pictures can be Dumped?

All content on DJResource needs to follow our Terms of Use so the subject of these images need to be DJ-related in the broadedst sense. Technical requirements for the images are shown on the image upload page.


Other images in the Imagedump

On some places you can add multiple images to certain pieces of content, all these additional images are also added to the Imagedump. Examples of these images are: extra Gearbase Images and additional DJ Booth images. Once added to these items, the images show next to these items but can also be found in dedicated sections in the Imagedump.

What do you think about DJResource Guidelines ??

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