a good record/cd pool
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darrellking    posted on 21-01-2005 22:40
hey, I've been out of the djing game for about three years.? Now that I'm back in radio a lot of old contacts are asking if I can work. But I need a good music source.
User edit by W.i.M on 30-04-2005 @ 20:36:32 (3%)
Mod edit by Zen on 08-01-2011 19:04 (6%)

What do you think about a good record/cd pool ??

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Lead    posted on 22-01-2005 02:14
For very general music you could check : www.cdpool.co.uk

I'm not aware for trance music to bad... Unhappy
Let the BASS be louder
djmarco23    posted on 19-06-2005 22:58
If you are looking for trance a good beginning is to check out the Trancemaster series with various artists... cheers
TheSupercrab    posted on 20-06-2005 15:37
another good way of browsing music is to just check out the online MP3 selling sites... they are getting better and better and have a pretty decent range already. I got a list of these sites if you want?
vompy    posted on 20-06-2005 16:55
Poster: TheSupercrab
another good way of browsing music is to just check out the online MP3 selling sites... they are getting better and better and have a pretty decent range already. I got a list of these sites if you want?

If he doesnt whant I whanna see it! Happy, laughing
TheSupercrab    posted on 20-06-2005 17:42
I hope there is nothing wrong with posting these links.. Its all legal Winking my eye


3beat digital download service (alleen 3beat label mgnt releases)

EDM Digital





ID&T Dance-tunes



ATS Digital

PLanet mu


The one i use the most is Beatport.. It has a great site, good preview and alot of tunes.

Hope this helps

Note: This is not all the shops.. there are more!
User edit by TheSupercrab on 20-06-2005 @ 17:43:17 (6%)
Jorrit    posted on 20-06-2005 21:06
yeah, but those are mp3 download stores, what the topic starter mean was Pools... I only know Promo only... but i'm kinda curious to, sice a good cd pool in europe seems hard to find...
djmarco23    posted on 20-06-2005 21:27
A cd-pool you also could check is http://www.dmcworld.com/djonly/ 
I haven't bought anything myself but it might be what you are looking for Happy, laughing

djmarco23    posted on 20-06-2005 21:32
...or maybe this is what you are looking for http://www.armedrecords.com/

Jorrit    posted on 20-06-2005 21:47
Well as far a I know is DMC very expensive... the cd's cost about 40 a piece here in holland...
I dont know about armedrecords, but it seems they are located in de US (shipping...)

TheSupercrab    posted on 20-06-2005 21:55
he asked for a music source... im not going to argue about it, however legal Mp3 sites are the best way to access alot of music (samples of anyway) easily and for free Imo.
djmarco23    posted on 20-06-2005 22:06
Oh i didn't know price was an issue sorry about that 
Lead    posted on 20-06-2005 22:19
You always get what you pay for : When you want the latest tracks in the best quality you pay the more than when you wait a few months.

There is a DVD pool that costs 55 euro per issue. But you get 2 DVD's for it, each with 15 video clips in there original quality, tracks that are released in the same month as I get the discs. There is no watermark onscreen.

55 euro's is a recenable amount of money, but when compared to the stuff you get for it I find it a good price.

That's probably the same with the WhitePool disc. I have some old ones and they contain 10-15 tracks, 12"mixes and sometimes an even better mix. If they would charge 40 euros for 1 of those disc I think that's quit expensive (compared to the DVDs mentioned before).

On the other hand : When it contains at least 8 good tracks, you pay 5 euro per track.... and that could be called reasonable considered it's for a mastered version on CD (without MP3 compression)

2 Supercrab : nice list, no probs.
Let the BASS be louder
Mod edit by Lead on 20-06-2005 22:20 (5%)
Jorrit    posted on 21-06-2005 10:53
I totally agree,
but 55 euro a moth for one double cd or 45 for a single cd is a little bit to much for me...
DJ_Aad    posted on 21-06-2005 13:32
Hey Lead,

I heared about the WhitePool disc quite a while ago. My question is are they still making it and do they have a website? Other question is if there is any cd pool which brings out the latest songs focused on the Netherlands... all those cd-pools are more focused on the US and UK.

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