Poster: Progrezznever buy THE cheapest players there are, always think before you act
there is a reason these players are cheap
Jup, don't buy the cheapest. When I started with djing I wanted to buy a cd-player from 100 euro's. But this cd player didn't even had a pitch control. (jeah I was jung).
But if you realy want to start, and you realy want to be a DJ, then is it better that you buy a cd player that is a little more expensive.
Something like Pioneer/Denon. These two cd-players are the best if you talk about quality. And these marks also have cheaper cd-players. Pioneer has the CDJ 100s.
Do you wanna stop after a few weeks or months, I advice you to buy nothing. A better option is to use a cd-player from someone else, or hire something.\
for more information.