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JAZZ    posted on 25-10-2006 21:39
hey guys am back to ask whts the cheapest cd players by all the comanys
(pioneer - denon - gemini - ........ ) plz waiting
Mod edit by W.i.M on 08-01-2011 16:00 (10%)

What do you think about CD PLAYERS ??

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djjw    posted on 25-10-2006 21:42
what a strange question..
you have a internet connection,  that means you can search you self...
just surf to a web shop and look at the prizes..

but, why do you want to know whats the cheapest player...?
User edit by djjw on 25-10-2006 @ 21:43:54 (37%)
JAZZ    posted on 25-10-2006 21:46
well each website give u a price :S:S  and i wanna start with somthing cheap ;s i cant afford the 4000 $ for pro cd players and mixer :S

i want the cheaper cd players and i have the mixer Happy, laughing
ciderke    posted on 25-10-2006 21:47
Did you mean;
"Hey guys, I am back to ask which are the cheapest cd-players, whatever the company."?

I think Jb-systems, Gemini, ...

but why don't you take a look at a webshop or someting like that? It's not so difficult to find this on your own.
djjw    posted on 25-10-2006 21:54
hmm oke,
you are lookig for cd players but not to expensive..
what's your budget?

a good player witch is not to expensive, is a Numark Axis 4
but i don't know if there is a numark dealer where you live..
Progrezz    posted on 25-10-2006 22:45
never buy THE cheapest players there are, always think before you act
there is a reason these players are cheap
very cheap players mostly don't have instant start, aren't as shock proof, don't last as long, not as good quality,...

so what you are asking is pretty stupid, i don't think you know what you want, do some research first, read some reviews and then come back with your question

a budget and your needs for a player would be very handy Winking my eye

Illusion    posted on 26-10-2006 09:34
Poster: Progrezz
never buy THE cheapest players there are, always think before you act
there is a reason these players are cheap

Jup, don't buy the cheapest. When I started with djing I wanted to buy a cd-player from 100 euro's. But this cd player didn't even had a pitch control. (jeah I was jung).

But if you realy want to start, and you realy want to be a DJ, then is it better that you buy a cd player that is a little more expensive.

Something like Pioneer/Denon. These two cd-players are the best if you talk about quality. And these marks also have cheaper cd-players. Pioneer has the CDJ 100s.

Do you wanna stop after a few weeks or months, I advice you to buy nothing. A better option is to use a cd-player from someone else, or hire something.\

for more information.
22-12-2012: Kratoz @ Shock (Huize Maas Groningen)
BartK    posted on 26-10-2006 12:55
I have two Gemini CDJ-02's, but I prefer cd players from Pioneer. They are much more reliable and feel less "plastic". If you consider a mixer (which you also need to mix music) I would choose for the DJM 400 from Pioneer, but there are also cheaper and good quality mixers with less options.
DNR    posted on 26-10-2006 17:58
MC CRYPT Single CD-palyer CDJ-100 i found these... only 90 euro. @

User edit by DNR on 26-10-2006 @ 17:59:12 (63%)
PatrickBeuken    posted on 26-10-2006 17:59
Jazz is living in Lebanon... I don't think he will order something at the Conrad webshop.
User edit by PatrickBeuken on 26-10-2006 @ 18:00:03 (8%)
DNR    posted on 26-10-2006 18:01
 i know. but he ask about the cheapest cd player..

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