DJ Insights Survey 2018
  English Topics, DO NOT reply in other languages than English !  

Lead    posted on 21-11-2018 14:25

There is an anual DJ survey held by a company called Futuresource. This is a european investigation in how the dj gear scene is developping over time. This survey has a bunch of multiple choise questions for you to answer. Filling in the document takes roughly 15-20 minutes of your time.

Why contributing ?
This is your chance to give your opinion, and have a chance to win one of the five 150 euro Amazon vouchers that they give away in a price draw between all participants.

The full invitation text :

This is your opportunity to shape the market for DJ equipment, by providing invaluable insight to key people working with this industry, helping them understand the key trends, drivers and topics important to you, the DJ.

As a DJ, your views are very important to us and we would appreciate you spending 15 minutes completing this online survey.

Your responses will be kept confidential and on completion of the survey you will be entered into a European prize draw with an opportunity to win one of five £/€150 Amazon vouchers.

Futuresource Consulting is a specialist research and knowledge-based consultancy working in the electronics, entertainment and IT industries worldwide.


Enter the Survey

This first question that asks where you're comming from is to select the language used in the survey. There is a question following where you are comming from so I just picked 'English' for that first questions.

Let the BASS be louder
Mod edit by Lead on 21-11-2018 15:33 (8%)

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