Breaking headphones
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Poll : Where did your headphone break?

-headband main part
-headband adjustable part

Voting is only possible for our Members
Winston    posted on 15-05-2006 02:29
Copy or click Quote and complete the form
Time used:
Which part: headband/rail/joint/cable+plug/internal
(delete what is not applicable)
Tic Toc
User edit by Winston on 16-05-2006 @ 17:22:14 (15%)
Mod edit by W.i.M on 08-01-2011 15:57 (4%)

What do you think about Breaking headphones ??

Vote :   

the-melody    posted on 15-05-2006 07:14
Brand/model: JB Systems HP2000
Time Used: 9 maanden
Wich Part: headband

i most say that i am NOT so good in handling headphones:p

User edit by the-melody on 15-05-2006 @ 07:14:34 (2%)
Ferrox    posted on 15-05-2006 10:59
Brand/model: Sony/MDR-V300
Time used: 3 months
Which part: headband
Lea_Phar    posted on 15-05-2006 11:35
Brand/model: Sony MDR-V700
Time used: 4 yrs
Which part: joint (fixed it, so still using the V700)
User edit by Lea_Phar on 15-05-2006 @ 17:01:11 (2%)
Camino    posted on 15-05-2006 14:08
Brand/model: Sony MDR-V500
Time used: around 2 years
Which part: Joints... on both sides. The part inside the joint which limited how far it would turn back broke/wore down.
DJ_Sintec    posted on 15-05-2006 17:44
model: een van philips
time used: many many years
Wich parts: hear holder, cable, head protecton part on the headband, but still: The sound is great!!!.

Lead    posted on 16-05-2006 01:42
waarom geen knop : Didn't Break ??
Let the BASS be louder
Winston    posted on 16-05-2006 02:10
Given enough time everything will break or stop working properly. The only headphones that didn't break yet are the ones which are very new or very strong. And I know these. And of course its a pity that those are not mentioned yet.

For now I'm just interested in the weakest parts of DJ headphones. For now it seems that most of the brands have stronger swivel joints, but the headband is the weakest part. But surprisingly many headphones survived more then 2 years.

But I plan to add a new topic with the strongest DJ headphones the next week or so. Also the Rookie info and tips on headphones. First I want to complete my research and write a good article.

Tic Toc
User edit by Winston on 16-05-2006 @ 02:17:44 (10%)
Reind    posted on 16-05-2006 03:29
The only headphone that realy won't break is the Senheiser HD25. The rest wil break if you totally wear them out.

Oh and the good old Pioneer SE450 and the newer SE5000 are very strong. Sound quality isn't impressive (both models) but you only asked which headphone's won't break. Winking my eye
Camino    posted on 16-05-2006 10:58
My experience with the sennheisers is that the padding on the headphones wears down quite quickly... as does that of the MDR-v500. However, if i were to go on the road every day i would go for the HD25's... they're durable as hell, have a great sound, and most importantly: you can replace every part individually. However, it is lacking in rotating cups (which i find treacherous to work without) and i also find the double cord rather annoying...

If durability is what you are looking for; sennheiser is the way to go
dj-t    posted on 16-05-2006 15:48
tip sennheiser hd202(check booth t4twister), da's echt een fijne voor slechts €30,-

Mod Edit:
Please only use English as this is an English topic.
Mod edit by Lead on 16-05-2006 18:52 (11%)
Winston    posted on 16-05-2006 18:35
Poster: Reind
 but you only asked which headphone's won't break. Winking my eye

No I didn't ask that. I only want to know what the weakest parts are, also from the strongest headphones.

Tic Toc
BartK    posted on 26-10-2006 13:03
First I had a ProDjUser SPL 127 MK II, a good quality headphone that doesn't cost much, but after about a year one of the earparts fell of. I had to click it back in the side, but that's quite hard when you are playing at a party...

Mimoza    posted on 26-10-2006 13:16
Brand/model: Sennie HD25
Time used: 2 years
Which part: Can't physicly break = too strong& simple
kiss the future
tairip    posted on 26-10-2006 13:33
Brand/model: Technics RP-DJ1210 Special paint (Metallic blue)
Time used: 1,5 years
Wich part: None, it's a thug headphone and when I say that, it's true... believe meWinking my eye
User edit by tairip on 26-10-2006 @ 13:34:12 (59%)
Steev    posted on 26-10-2006 14:49
Brand/model: Stanton PRO 3000.
Time used: half a year.
Which part: cable.
albertov    posted on 26-10-2006 16:31
Brand/model:Stanton / pro3000
Time used: 4 month
Which part: right rail

Good service, I've god a brand new one from Stanton of the newest model.
DJ_SEVEN_7_    posted on 24-02-2007 03:25
Sony MDR V500
2 weeks!
Joint broken!
User edit by DJ_SEVEN_7_ on 24-02-2007 @ 03:25:30 (5%)
rebounce    posted on 24-02-2007 09:30
Brand/model:Stanton pro 50
Time used: 6 months
Which part: cable+plug
User edit by rebounce on 24-06-2007 @ 15:53:58 (6%)

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