Allen & Heath Xone:3D mixer (1/2)
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Lead    posted on 10-09-2005 01:15
The new Allen & Heath Xone:3d Mixer/Midi Controller
Allen & Heath Press Release:
The mixer section is derived from the industry-standard Xone:92 and Xone:62 designs, featuring 4 multi-input stereo channels, 3-band total kill EQ, a comprehensive cue system, 2 stereo returns, headphone monitor with mix/cue control, and high quality dual rail faders.
3D contains the Xone range?s trademark VCF filters, offering low-pass, band-pass, and high-pass selection; resonance and frequency filters; plus there is an assignable LFO with depth control. The master section has 2 FX sends with pre/post fader selection, and there is a VCA crossfader. The USB soundcard has eight channels, arranged in stereo pairs, which can operate in two modes - 6 channels from a PC and 2 returns, or 4 channels from a PC and 4 returns. Using individual professional audio standard 24bit stereo converters with an audio sampling rate of 48kHz, the card?s design guarantees the best possible sound quality from laptops and PCs. The soundcard can be fed from the main mix, FX1, or direct from the channels, and features a SPDIF optical and coaxial interface.
Also, the USB connection sends and receives both audio and MIDI data to and from the PC, and can be used to update firmware and set mixer configuration data. There are dedicated MIDI control sections either side of the mixer, with a total of 8 dedicated control faders, 16 rotary controls with centre detent, 10 encoders, 50 switches, and 2 custom jog wheels with micro switches, which can be mapped for use as navigation controls for DJ software such as Ableton Live and Traktor.
Xone:3D can send a total of 105 different MIDI control messages from the dedicated control sections, audio channel faders and crossfader, to the 3D?s MIDI out socket and via the USB interface to the PC. An automatic beat detector synchronises the MIDI clock to the main mix, the FX2 mix buss, or can be disabled to allow the beat to be manually tapped-in. The 3D also has connections for a footswitch controller and a gameport socket for a standard analogue joystick that can also be used as a second MIDI output.
The progressive DJ?s, Chris Liebing and Richie Hawtin, have been consultants and beta testers during development of the Xone:3D. ?Technology is leading us into a very exciting and new form of DJ?ing,? comments Chris Liebing. ?Allen & Heath?s Xone:3D is a huge step forward into that future. More fun for the DJ, more fun for the crowd!?
The new Allen & Heath Xone:3d Mixer/Midi Controller
The Xone:3d can be customized to match the sofatware that you're using. Now allready there are overlays for Ableton Live and Tracktor DJ. These overlays will provide all information needed besides the controls and also has some customizable buttons.

Feature List :

  • 4 multi-input channels ? for phono, line, or soundcard
  • 3 band, full cut EQ isolator (+6dB/off)
  • 2 FX sends with pre/post selection (internal on FX2)
  • Crossfade and filter assignment
  • Comprehensive cue system
  • High quality dual rail VCA faders
  • 2 analogue VCF filters with low-pass, band-pass, high-pass, resonance frequency, and filter ?on? switch
  • Assignable LFO with depth control
  • 2 stereo returns - can be routed to main mix or either of the filters
  • Main mix and booth outputs
  • Headphone monitor with mix/cue level control
  • VCA crossfader
  • MIDI mapping from several mixer functions
Allen & Heath Xone:3d Connection terminal at the back side of the mixer

On the backside of the Xone:3D you'll find a compilation of different type of connectors. As usual there are the cinch terminals for the regular audio signals but there are also lots of others.

  • 3x Phono Inputs (cinch)
  • 5x Line Inputs (cinch)
  • 2x Effect Send (cinch)
  • Digital Input (SPDIF and Coaxial)
  • MIDI In (DIN)
  • Master Output (XLR)
  • Monitor/Booth Output (cinch)
  • 2x Effect Returns (cinch)
  • 3x Soundcard Output (cinch)
  • Digital Input (SPDIF and Coaxial)
  • MIDI Out (DIN)
  • USB
  • Footswitch (Jack)

The Allen & Heath Xone:3d is announched for december 2005, but I suggest it will not be before februari/march 2006 before we can find it in the shops.

The suggested retailprice will be around 1200 euro excl. VAT
Let the BASS be louder
Mod edit by Zen on 08-01-2011 18:56 (25%)

What do you think about Allen & Heath Xone:3D mixer ??

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TheSupercrab    posted on 10-09-2005 09:00
wow, wot a beast.. its massive :S. Looks pretty ugly i think though the features are of course pretty amazing really.
wilum    posted on 10-09-2005 09:34
en hoeveel gaat deze schoonheid kostenWinking my eye?
Gupy    posted on 10-09-2005 10:00
Ik vind het maar raar dat op de twee filter gedeeltes rechts en links helemaal geen aanduiding bij de knoppen staat.
En is de BPM counter voor de midi clock nu automatisch of nog steeds de tap knop aanslaan.

Dit laatste vond ik echt verschrikkelijk aan de Xone:92, omdat ik de MC909 ermee aanstuurde was dit veel te veel werk om het tempo gelijk te krijgen.
denricco    posted on 10-09-2005 12:50
2 gupy: de twee gedeeltes aan de zijkant zijn voor de midi functies en daar krijg je die overlays voor, waar dus de aanduidingen opstaan en de bpm counter is automatisch of handmatig net wat je wil...

"An automatic beat detector synchronises the MIDI clock to the main mix, the FX2 mix buss, or can be disabled to allow the beat to be manually tapped-in."

qua looks vind ik 'm een beetje tegenvallen, vind de xone:92 duidelijk mooier. Features zijn wel gruwelijk natuurlijk, zit er over te twijfelen om deze te kopen of de xone:92.

Had ergens gelezen dat de prijs rond de € 1.200,- zal liggen, weet niet of dit incl. / excl. btw is.
denricco    posted on 10-09-2005 12:51
ik heb ook 't idee dat de schuiven erg dicht op elkaar zitten of lijkt dit maar zo?
Lead    posted on 10-09-2005 13:20
Ik heb de prijs/beschikbaarheid en de Overlays ietsje later toegevoegd aan mijn eerste post.

De schuiven zitten aardig dicht op elkaar. Ik heb er wel aan gezeten, maar ik heb er toen (jaartje geleden) niet op gelet hoe dicht de schuiven op elkaar zaten...

Op de beurs hebben ze de Xone:3d laten zien met groene overlays er overheen om de link met Ableton te versterken, maar je kunt die overlays natuurlijk altijd zelf maken Winking my eye

Let the BASS be louder
ilseentje    posted on 10-09-2005 14:05
SonicWalker    posted on 13-09-2005 00:22
Hier zit ik dus op te wachten. Ben erg benieuwd hoe Traktor en Live hiermee werken. Wie heeft dan nog een Numark met HD of CD-Player met mp3 nodig ? Nu nog nieuwe snelle PowerBooks van Apple en ik ben gelukkig (en failliet).

Vraag me ook, hoe Pioneer, Denon etc. op de laptop-DJ ontwikkeling gaan reageren.
SonicWalker    posted on 13-09-2005 00:25
Poster: Lead

Op de beurs hebben ze de Xone:3d laten zien met groene overlays er overheen om de link met Ableton te versterken, maar je kunt die overlays natuurlijk altijd zelf maken Winking my eye


Wat je in Frankfurt zag, was nog een prototype. Inmiddels zijn er een aantal details verandert.

Dav3    posted on 13-09-2005 08:21
Poster: SonicWalker
Hier zit ik dus op te wachten. Ben erg benieuwd hoe Traktor en Live hiermee werken. Wie heeft dan nog een Numark met HD of CD-Player met mp3 nodig ? Nu nog nieuwe snelle PowerBooks van Apple en ik ben gelukkig (en failliet).

Vraag me ook, hoe Pioneer, Denon etc. op de laptop-DJ ontwikkeling gaan reageren.

Las dit op :

''On the Techy front the word on the grapevine is that by next year DJ’s will only be carrying around laptops and ipods as Pioneer bring out a new DJ tool to which you can slot in a couple of ipods and have access to over 15,000 tunes during your set. Way to go I reckon but sadly seeing the demise of record bag carriers across the globe.''

De Pioneer - iPod/Laptop DJ consolle/controller lijkt er dus serieus aan te gaan komen.

Ik zou het iig een dream to come true vinden, geen cd's meer branden maar wel de voordelen van CDJ's, lijkt mij een super app.
User edit by Dav3 on 13-09-2005 @ 08:23:07 (4%)
Lead    posted on 13-09-2005 09:18
Onzin... ze zijn vast in de war met Numark Winking my eye

Ik heb gezocht op het forum op om te kijken in welke context dit geplaatst is, maar ik heb het niet meer terug kunnen vinden...
Let the BASS be louder
Dav3    posted on 13-09-2005 14:01
Nou onzin betwijfel ik, Pioneer houdt alles zo geheim mogelijk, zelfs een dag voor de persrelease nog ontkennen dus nee dat doubt ik en ik heb al meer van dit soort verhalen de rondte zien gaan. en als het echt uitkomt zou het echt een ultiem apparaat kunnen worden ! en ben ik 1 vd eerste die hem zal testen!/ kopen!
Lead    posted on 13-09-2005 14:26
Ik weet nog van niets in ieder geval...

Maar nu weer even ontopic : Xone:3D zit eraan te komen Winking my eye
Let the BASS be louder
Jorrit    posted on 13-09-2005 14:54
dus in de komende drie jaar zit er niet zoiets aan te komen Winking my eye
Maareh, de xone:3d zit er aan te komen schijnt het... :P
Gery    posted on 13-09-2005 16:28
ziet er zalig mixertje uit :p

Da's miss nog iets voor op de wishlist voor na mijn vakantiejob volgend jaar Unhappy

Maar 'k heb zo zitten denken, zou het niet lukken om een oud toetsenbord wat te bewerken tot eenvoudige interface voor Traktor ofzo?

Ik ga da es proberen
DJ - Producer
tairip    posted on 13-09-2005 20:27
Geef mij maar een 92, smullen die A&H gear!
PeterB    posted on 13-09-2005 21:03
Nog mooier dan dat ik verwacht had. 4 kanalen bijvoorbeeld, waar het prototype er maar 3 had. Verder wat layoutveranderingen. DJ's hoeven dus alleen nog maar hun Powerbook mee te nemen. Ik ben nu al verkocht. Je hebt de VCF effecten in de A&H en verder kun je de effecten van Traktor of Ableton nog gebruiken. Veel meer mogelijkheden dan nu met CD spelers of SL's dus. Ik kan niet wachten tot het december is....
DJ_SEVEN_7_    posted on 16-09-2005 07:00
Please!, everything else but PC/MP3

And the price?

Lika a brand new BMW

No, i'm goin for a couple of CDJ's mk2 or DNS 3k5's, maybe X1500 or DJM 909 -1000

Allen & Heath in all sence, but the price vs performance is not good enough, not to me anyway.

Someone's got to pay for it, and here in Sweden PIO-Denon is top notch equipment, that not many clubs for that matter have the cash for!

In Gothenburg, 75% of the market belongs to either American Audio or Numark etc

So if someone should buy a Allen & Heath that would be massive overkill

/Seven    posted on 16-09-2005 15:31
is deze voor de pc?
Jorrit    posted on 16-09-2005 15:57
You are in the section: DJ-Gear [English]
Wich means u'r supposed to speak english, let's keep it easy to read for our non-dutch/belgium members...
SonicWalker    posted on 16-09-2005 17:48
Poster: DJ-DC
is deze voor de pc?

It has a USB port and works like a multi-channel external sound interface (better than those noisy ingternal onces!). It also has some normal audio inputs like any other mixer.

It also works like a Midi-Controller, so you can remotely control your music/DJ software on the computer and it can synchronize your computer to the music.
User edit by SonicWalker on 16-09-2005 @ 17:50:41 (65%)
Lukaz    posted on 17-09-2005 13:35
hmm,.,  the only thing what I don't understand is why is it called 3D Mixer?, do you also can control movies with it?
SonicWalker    posted on 17-09-2005 17:33
Poster: TheTapDanceR
hmm,., the only thing what I don't understand is why is it called 3D Mixer?, do you also can control movies with it?

maybe the 3 dimensions are:
  • Audio mixer (4 channel, EQ, VCF filter, digital in/out)
  • Midi Controller (8 dedicated control faders, 16 rotary controls with centre detent, 10 encoders, 50 switches, and 2 custom jog wheels with micro switches, BPM synchronization)
  • USB audio interface (8 channel)

And if we look like the price (which we don't know yet) as /Seven did, than you would pay quiet a bit for single components. But of course the xone:3d is only interesting to someone with midi-equipment and/or computer software.

Frantic    posted on 02-11-2005 13:39
hi there, i was down at West End DJ two days ago and they rang up the A&H Sales Rep and i could talk to him. He didn't tell me nothing really big but he said that the Xone would be around 1.300 and 1.400 Pounds and that some selected stores would have a unit already by the End of November. It's a small update but its a sign that things are going well. The guy also said that the earlier than planned shipping dates are made possible thanks to the faster resolution of bugs than assumed. Lets hope it get here soon JDP
User edit by Frantic on 02-11-2005 @ 13:40:13 (10%)
Rhino    posted on 02-11-2005 15:40
Quote tapdancer:hmm,.,  the only thing what I don't understand is why is it called 3D Mixer?, do you also can control movies with it?

Answer rhino:What you say is true, the 3d name indication probably stand for multi purpose.
Since we are talking about the midi environment with the outcomming of the Xone 3d.
You probanly will be able to manipulate light and video, as well as of course audio
As long the connected gear is midi oriented.
I dont know the exact implementation of the xone and if it,s oke enough,,ll probably be !
Happy, laughing

For the rest i walk along with sonic walker, cause his arguments are plausible as well .
User edit by Rhino on 02-11-2005 @ 15:42:16 (17%)
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