why do u mix with it?
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H    posted on 02-08-2005 18:37
the summer is here and all is goodHappy, laughing now u must be wondering what is this topic about, good question... i thought i'd post a topic about what mixers ppl use over here. i'm still looking for a new one and i've been eyeing the gemini ps-02, nice design, 3channels...etc. quite basic but i think it'll do the work so i was interested in hearing from you guyz/girlz what mixers u mix with and why...
lookin foward to reading ur posts
Mod edit by Zen on 08-01-2011 19:02 (1%)

What do you think about why do u mix with it? ??

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Maartenb    posted on 02-08-2005 18:42
Maybe you should concider this one: http://www.new-line.nl/webshop/view.asp?i=12772

also really cheap on that website.
Mod edit by Lead on 03-08-2005 18:51 (11%)
tairip    posted on 02-08-2005 18:52
I use the Pioneer DJM-300 it's a basic mixer whit all the functions you need!

When you are a more profi DJ you can buy a mixer whit builtin Effects!
Jorrit    posted on 02-08-2005 19:12
Synq SMX-1!
Always have been a Pioneer fan, but couldn't afford it. The synq offers the same good looks and most of the features (at lower quality) for an affordable price.
W.i.M    posted on 02-08-2005 22:22
I have the Dateq XTC, basic mixer.

I'm in no need for another new mixer, it does what it suppose to do : mix music
Waarom lees je dit nu eigenlijk ?
Mod edit by W.i.M on 02-08-2005 22:23 (18%)
Maartenb    posted on 02-08-2005 22:28
If you're looking for a no-nonsense mixer with 3 channels and excellent quality, the dateq xtc is your thing but I don't know if it fits to your budget......
tairip    posted on 02-08-2005 22:48
Ik zag 1 te koop, een 2ndhand voor 350.- (en dateq is oersterk) en zal dus nog goed zijn! (kan m nie weer vinden!)

check deze eens!!! DJM-909 <-- niet wat voor jou Wim? XTC inruilen paar eeries bijleggen en je hebt een 909! :P

Mod edit by tairip on 02-08-2005 22:49 (57%)
Rhino    posted on 03-08-2005 13:01
Vestax PVC275 for house mixing
bought the mixer for it,s clear and crisp broadcast quality sound, it,s seperate per channel send/return pre/post FX routing.
It,s looks .....heavy pimped but of course that is less important.
and also it,s durability counts very much !

PMC 05 for scratching , love the pcv faders , it,s sound again and it,s layout wich has been copied a lot these days.
also bought it for it,s durability en it,s strenght !
And maybe a little bit because of the fact that Q-bert ownes one hahaha (that wa s a joke,....but true)

User edit by Rhino on 03-08-2005 @ 13:01:47 (1%)
djmamo    posted on 03-08-2005 18:59
i have a dateq xtc, but if i sell it i will buy i ecler nuo 5 and if i don't sell it i still have my dateq xtc

it's a very good mixer it will cost you some money but its all wurth...

DJ_SEVEN_7_    posted on 16-09-2005 07:10
I Got Pioneer and Denon because it's the best that money can buy vs performance!

Great sound, smooth handeling, ease of use and a heck of a icebreaker when talking to other dj's

I had my first PIO Equipment for 4-5 years now, still going strong, and the Denon about 2, working like no other!

So you get what u pay for, that's a fact.

User edit by DJ_SEVEN_7_ on 16-09-2005 @ 07:11:01 (2%)
Dj_T.im    posted on 16-09-2005 15:27
i have got a behringen vmx1000 becouse i dont have al lot of money to spend

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