The djm-800 or xone 92 (4/6)
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Poll : Djm 800 or xone 92

-Pioneer Djm-800
-Allen and heath xone-92

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teddyaakre    posted on 27-03-2006 11:28
PLEASE help me... i really need to know which one to buy... i cant make up my mind... and once i buy one of them there is no turning back, because of all the money that were talking about...

anyways, have any of you tried both of these mixers?
Is the xones sound a lot better? if you add a efx-1000 to the xone will it be able to do most of the things that the djm 800 does...

help anyone?

What do you think about The djm-800 or xone 92 ??

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Jorrit    posted on 01-06-2006 19:25
Poster: soundcollector
then i dont get it why poeple that are not rich buy this thingConfused? or how about all the things you hear about the djm 800 what is so special about thisConfused
Hard to explain in words, is just a feeling that the mixer gives you.
You get a feeling of total control (every aspect of efx are contrallable) and a feeling of safety (with a 1600 euro's mixer u can be sure nothing breaks down)
soundcollector    posted on 01-06-2006 20:25
with my mixer of 200 euros I'm also sure that nothing breaks down, but you know i need something bigge but I think it is al blown up like the djm 800 you know, nothing bout the fact that its a great mixer I surely believe that but for my opinion it's not worth more than 1200 euros or somthing like that and than maybe you say 400 euros whats that, thats alot--> I'm not saying its bad, its a beast in fact so no breaking down of it, I would want him to but I dont have the money for it

teddyaakre    posted on 01-06-2006 22:19
Hey... Soundcollector.. if you want to stick with a cheaper mixer and you are happy with it.. good for you.. But right now it seems like you are not trying to coprehend..

soundcollector    posted on 01-06-2006 22:21
wow man don't shoot me down alright then if I have to choose it would be allen and heath
User edit by soundcollector on 01-06-2006 @ 22:21:40 (2%)
gethigh    posted on 02-06-2006 09:18
Poster: teddyaakre
Hey... Soundcollector.. if you want to stick with a cheaper mixer and you are happy with it.. good for you.. But right now it seems like you are not trying to coprehend..

 just ask yourself, will  your sets be better with a 1500 euro mixer, if you buy records instead, it will
Jorrit    posted on 02-06-2006 12:40
Poster: soundcollector
with my mixer of 200 euros I'm also sure that nothing breaks down, but you know i need something bigge but I think it is al blown up like the djm 800 you know, nothing bout the fact that its a great mixer I surely believe that but for my opinion it's not worth more than 1200 euros or somthing like that and than maybe you say 400 euros whats that, thats alot--> I'm not saying its bad, its a beast in fact so no breaking down of it, I would want him to but I dont have the money for it

With your mixer of 200 euro's you can't do heavy renting, or production work (in the mean of big events).
I'm just curious: Did you ever test a DJM-800?
Mod edit by Jorrit on 02-06-2006 12:41 (5%)
MauriceForge    posted on 02-06-2006 12:52
2 jorrit : Speedy j uses a xone 92 now for everything, he used to use a 464 with liebing as Collabs sessions they use 3 of them simulteanously.
And for mixers breaking down, every mixer can break down if its one from 200 euro or 1600 the thing is, with a mixer of 200 euro this would happen sooner, and offcourse the overal quality can't be compared to each other, and another thing is the one behind the mixer...
Jorrit    posted on 02-06-2006 13:01
That's excactly the point i'm making, and the feeling of the DJM-800 is just incomparable with a 200 euro mixer, and that's obvious.
Offcourse you can compare this feeling with the Xone:92.

Didn't know that about Speedy J. Winking my eye
soundcollector    posted on 02-06-2006 20:35
you sure I know that and I believe you but you said that I had to be affraid that it wil brake down or something I believe you when you think that is one of the greatest mixers and no i havent tested him yet,I will if i get the change but i believe you all im not saying my stupid mixer is better not at all it would be not great if it was so but I think 1600 is a little bit to much for a mixer thats all
BURN    posted on 02-06-2006 22:43
I do not share your opinion about the djm 800 Soundcollector. Indeed it is a lot of money and if you consider the options of much cheaper mixers which perform well also you might wanna think the djm 800 has a price which is out of her league but don't forget this is quality, digital, it has four channels and it has a lot of great effects. Therefor such a club mixer cannot be compaired with a 200 euros mixer, for example a numark. At the moment I'm thinking of buying an DJM 800 also but I gues I'm gonna wait a little longer to see if this mixing hobby of mine is gonna last for the next couple of years or perhaps even longer. One great advance of this kind of equipment... it's price isn't about to fall in a few years. I guess if you 'd like to sell your DJM 800 in a few years it will still be 1300 euros least.
gethigh    posted on 02-06-2006 23:24
Poster: BURN
I do not share your opinion about the djm 800 Soundcollector. Indeed it is a lot of money and if you consider the options of much cheaper mixers which perform well also you might wanna think the djm 800 has a price which is out of her league but don't forget this is quality, digital, it has four channels and it has a lot of great effects. Therefor such a club mixer cannot be compaired with a 200 euros mixer, for example a numark. At the moment I'm thinking of buying an DJM 800 also but I gues I'm gonna wait a little longer to see if this mixing hobby of mine is gonna last for the next couple of years or perhaps even longer. One great advance of this kind of equipment... it's price isn't about to fall in a few years. I guess if you 'd like to sell your DJM 800 in a few years it will still be 1300 euros least.
there will be more digital mixers, and than the price will drop
soundcollector    posted on 02-06-2006 23:33
I am not compairing the djm 800 to a 200 euro mixer like numark or omnitronic but i'm comparing it to a nuo 5 instead this also has 4 channels and a lot of effects and stuf its nog digital i guess i dont know that but what is so good about digital?? htat you have 1 cable instead of two and that your sound quality is better? you know if the blind me and let me hear i sound of digital and analogue i wouldnt even hear the differince i guis but thats my opinion and in one way or an other your right about the djm 800 its a super mixer for the club, renting etc...
teddyaakre    posted on 05-06-2006 21:44
Actually sound collector.. I have tried that.. and what we did is that me and my friend got blind folded.. (my friend brought his djm-800, yes he got it replaced.. and we used my xone92) And we sat down and we tried every connection option possible on a high end system.. and when we syncronised digital and analogue songs (from technics 1210 mg5 and mkIII's) and switched the crossfader back and forth.. the difference was immideate.. i personally like the analogue sound much more.. it feels more alive.. but everyone has their own opinion.. for example one of the vestax cd players does a good job replicating the vinyl sound

BURN    posted on 06-06-2006 00:32
Soundcollector I just don't seem to get it. You are compairing a Nuo 5 with a DJM 800. A quick look on a few webshops showed me a Nuo 5 is about 1000 euros and as we all know the DJM 800 is 1500 euros. So that's only 500 euros more fore Pioneer quality, digital sound quality, the DJM is capable of a lot more effects and there is th brand new SoundFx. Of course 1500 euros is a lot of money but if I compaire these two mixers I would go for the DJM every time... Actually when you compare the Nuo 5 mixer with Pioner mixers it's obvious the Pioneer is the better option because even the ''old'' DJM 600 is about 900 euros which I think is even better than a Nuo 5 but I guess you will disagree with me in that case.
Twizz    posted on 06-06-2006 08:16
if you watch the poll you'll see that it goes up almost even, I think djm800 is better because it is a standard(a bit)
teddyaakre    posted on 07-06-2006 07:35
This might be a bit harsh.. but I believe that people who buy pioneer like it because of the cheap tricks.. it's a lot easier to sound professional to a degree with a mixer that has that many cheap tricks.. except for the "bit crusher" respect for that.. I think that the Xone:92 is for people who love their music, not just plays it (sorry about that one too, a bit harsh again)

Jorrit    posted on 07-06-2006 17:17
Poster: teddyaakre
This might be a bit harsh.. but I believe that people who buy pioneer like it because of the cheap tricks.. it's a lot easier to sound professional to a degree with a mixer that has that many cheap tricks.. except for the "bit crusher" respect for that.. I think that the Xone:92 is for people who love their music, not just plays it (sorry about that one too, a bit harsh again)

If i get this right: you're saying that the Pio had all sorts of cheap tricks in it, and that's why it's sounding professional? If that's so, you've been sleeping the past couple of month's. The 800 get's respect from even the worst critics: soundengeneers. You can't denie the 800 offers A LOT of quality, in numbers (talking about sound quality here, not about personal opinion) the 800 leaves de Xone mixers in the dust. I don't know, have you tried the mixer? (800)
Mod edit by Jorrit on 07-06-2006 17:49 (1%)
DJ-Emotion    posted on 07-06-2006 17:46
Poster: Jorrit
the 800 leaves de Xone mixers in the dust.

Dream on!
The opperation, The feel, The looks and ofcourse the sound are Supurb!
This is the result of years of experience 
Jorrit    posted on 07-06-2006 17:50
Now you are mixing things up! You should have read my post:

 in numbers (talking about sound quality here, not about personal opinion) the 800 leaves de Xone mixers in the dust.
MauriceForge    posted on 07-06-2006 22:21
that isn't true, as far as sound quality goes, the analogue signals of both mixers are just about equal.
So the xone and djm are both at the top of their game, quality isn't an issue for both mixers, its about your personal choice wich one to use...cause both of them are superb
BillyArd    posted on 08-06-2006 14:54
xone has warmth in the psychoacoustic range that the DJM hasn,t.

Both are superb, but the xone,s sound quality is beter than the djm8 to my ears .
maybe the djm is cleaner after measuring but that is just the fact why the xone sounds better.
Clean is often sterile.
Warmth is always generated by noise.
the djm 800 lacks noise and thus warmth, something i discovered right away when comparing.
Winston    posted on 08-06-2006 15:15
With more than 95 posts on 4 pagers it's clear to me that this will be an endless debate. Both are super mixers. And I guess everyone would like both of them available all the time for themselves if this could. You can't really compare to find out which one is the best, unless you have clear objectives what you like to realize with the mixer.

If its just sound quality you got to listen for yourself. Only you know what you like best.

If its about features, than there are many differences. Then it becomes a simple what you need question and how much money you got available.

Tic Toc
gethigh    posted on 08-06-2006 17:19
with the xone you can do things that are impossible with a djm, the djm has effects, but if you connect a efx to the xone it has effects to
ask speedy j or chris liebing, and many more what they would choose and why
there mixes would be impossible if it wasn't for the xones they use
Jorrit    posted on 08-06-2006 17:47
Poster: MauriceForge
that isn't true, as far as sound quality goes, the analogue signals of both mixers are just about equal.
So the xone and djm are both at the top of their game, quality isn't an issue for both mixers, its about your personal choice wich one to use...cause both of them are superb
But digitally it's a different story!

maybe the djm is cleaner after measuring but that is just the fact why the xone sounds better.
You are mixing up fact and opinion, some people like the sound clean.
Mod edit by Jorrit on 08-06-2006 17:48 (9%)
MauriceForge    posted on 08-06-2006 23:01
2 jorrit i know, but i don't use digital connections so therefore i didn't mention them...

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