Poster: soundcollector
then i dont get it why poeple that are not rich buy this thing? or how about all the things you hear about the djm 800 what is so special about this
Poster: teddyaakrejust ask yourself, will your sets be better with a 1500 euro mixer, if you buy records instead, it willHey... Soundcollector.. if you want to stick with a cheaper mixer and you are happy with it.. good for you.. But right now it seems like you are not trying to coprehend..
Poster: soundcollector
with my mixer of 200 euros I'm also sure that nothing breaks down, but you know i need something bigge but I think it is al blown up like the djm 800 you know, nothing bout the fact that its a great mixer I surely believe that but for my opinion it's not worth more than 1200 euros or somthing like that and than maybe you say 400 euros whats that, thats alot--> I'm not saying its bad, its a beast in fact so no breaking down of it, I would want him to but I dont have the money for it
Poster: BURN
I do not share your opinion about the djm 800 Soundcollector. Indeed it is a lot of money and if you consider the options of much cheaper mixers which perform well also you might wanna think the djm 800 has a price which is out of her league but don't forget this is quality, digital, it has four channels and it has a lot of great effects. Therefor such a club mixer cannot be compaired with a 200 euros mixer, for example a numark. At the moment I'm thinking of buying an DJM 800 also but I gues I'm gonna wait a little longer to see if this mixing hobby of mine is gonna last for the next couple of years or perhaps even longer. One great advance of this kind of equipment... it's price isn't about to fall in a few years. I guess if you 'd like to sell your DJM 800 in a few years it will still be 1300 euros least.
Poster: teddyaakreThis might be a bit harsh.. but I believe that people who buy pioneer like it because of the cheap tricks.. it's a lot easier to sound professional to a degree with a mixer that has that many cheap tricks.. except for the "bit crusher" respect for that.. I think that the Xone:92 is for people who love their music, not just plays it (sorry about that one too, a bit harsh again)
Poster: Jorrit
the 800 leaves de Xone mixers in the dust.
in numbers (talking about sound quality here, not about personal opinion) the 800 leaves de Xone mixers in the dust.
Poster: MauriceForge
that isn't true, as far as sound quality goes, the analogue signals of both mixers are just about equal.
So the xone and djm are both at the top of their game, quality isn't an issue for both mixers, its about your personal choice wich one to use...cause both of them are superb
maybe the djm is cleaner after measuring but that is just the fact why the xone sounds better.
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