Submitted by W.i.M on 21-03-2004 01:01This content is © 2004-2024 The DJResourceVote : 1 member likes this
There was a lot of talk about this the Technics SL-DZ1200 lately and now it
has been officialy released news, the SL-DZ1200 should be in stores from summer
2004 (June). The dutch press-launch was friday 19 March 2004 and the following
day the DJ's-launch was held at the Dutch DJ School.
Technics phylosophy while desiging this product was to create the Digital Turntable.
The outer designs uses much of the desing from their legendary turntable : SL-1200
MK2. The feet, body and chassis seem to be made from the same materials and
also the feel is the same. The platter is slightly smaller than that from it's
big brother : 10".
The turntable simultation goes very far, with Vinyl Simulation you can regenerate
the analogue clicks as a sound effect. Also when you spin backward over the
Cue Piont the players stops it's engine, like your needle jumps of at the beginning
of the record. I personaly think this is something over the top and with the
sample it was not possible to turn it off. But with this product Technics introduces
a very solid machine for DJ's to use at home or in the clubs.
Product Type
Compact Disc Player
Type of Discs
Disc Format
CD, CD-R and CD-RW, MP3, AAC
Frequency Response
4Hz ~ 20kHz
Output Voltage
2Vrms (at 0dB) (JEITA)
Headphone Output
20mW max. 32 ohms
CD Supported MP3 Formats
32kbps to 192kbps (128kbps recommended)
SD Supported Formats
Supported Sample-rates
48kHz / 44.1kHz / 32kHz
Power Supply
AC 220-240V, 50/60Hz
Power Consumption
20 W
320 x 370 x 105 mm (WxDxH)
Net Weight
5.8 kg
The SL-DZ1200 can memorize 50 sets of 10 cue points in his internal memory as
individual albums. Each album also includes your settings for the 4 Cue Pads,
Loop Piont, Auto Cue and Effects. If data is stored on SD Card more than 50
albums can be stored. All settings will be loaded when the disc (or SD card).
Cue Pads
There are 4 cue points available for storage of your favourite cue-points for
instant and seamless use.
Sample Pads
Record your special sounds and riffs here to use during your set. The recalled
sample starts instantly so you can use the sample pads as instruments. The stored
samples can also be played als single sounds or can be looped. A simple Edit
Function makes it possible to controll a sample's In Point, Out Point and Volume
By simply setting your Loop In and Out point with the desired buttons you can
easily create seamless loops.
Cue Control
After you find a Cue Piont by moving the platter, you can store that point in
memory for instant recall. At any time you can then make the deck return to
that point and Stand By. Then simply press Play to begin. This also lets you
easily check to find the best timing for a mix.
The red strobe and silver dots on the platter rim of an analogue turntable give
the pDJ a feel for the speed setting that becomes intuitive over time. Now the
same functionality as the analogue feeling is yours in digital shape. The buid-in
strobe can telegraph tempo changes.
Free Wheel
Just press the Free wheel button and you can spin the platter freely, letting
it slow down gradually.
A built-in vinyl simulator Effect recreates that unique analog sound while playing
new digital music from a CD or SD card. You can add analog spice for the same
kind of frequency response that charactarizes LPs.
Dynamic FX
You can manipultate the slip surface of the platter to create a phat sund and
add awesome special effects or distortion.
Forward, Reverse
Amaze the crowd with reverse playback effects. At the flip of a switch you can
reverse the platter rotation. This lets you perform precision revers play. Instant
Reverse directly reverses the track without waiting for the platter to go backwards.
Pitch Lock
You can speed up or slow down the tempo without changing instrument and vocal
pitch. You are now more flexible to match up different songs that would have
been difficult on an analog deck. This feature is also known as Master Tempo
on Pioneer CD players.
This is a close up of the display that gives you all essential information :
Remaining Time, BPM, Playback Position and more. Play Time gives you an accurate
indication of the playbakc progress so you don't have to rely on visuals clues
anymore. You can even change the angle of the display if you want to use the
deck upright hip-hip style.
The braking speed of the platter is adjustable via a knob on the back of the
player so you can set this to your desired setting. This can vary from a very
slow breakdown to a sudden stop.
Digital Output
So you can make your recordings digitaly.
Read more about the
Technics SL-DZ-1200 in the Gearbase.
And just for you to know a little bit about the history that Technics has on
CD players, here is an image of the
Technics SL-P1200 (allthough it's a very dusty one) from the frontrunner
of this Technics decks, wich was released many years ago. At that time it was
a revolutionary product but not much people actually used it at that time
What do you think about Technics SL-DZ 1200 ??
Vote : 1 member likes this
Technics SL-DZ1200Read more about this and other Technics products in the Gearbase
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Ger-E wrote on 06-05-2004 @ 18:48En waneer kenne we die hier kopen!?
Djowie wrote on 07-05-2004 @ 20:38Volgens mij komen ze met een week of twee binnen bij Mupo in Zwaag (Noord-Holland) Ze staan bij de links
DJFROGGY05 wrote on 16-05-2004 @ 19:12DOES ANYONE KNOW OF A DEMO VIDEO?
Dogg wrote on 03-07-2004 @ 12:34Having seen the DEMO video which is pinpointing those digital distortion issues... the choice seems to be pretty clear... (Pioneer) Unless... Technics has the ability to release a firmware update for their deck (just like with computers)...
Once that issue fixed, due to its look, the Technics SL-DZ1200 will be the ONE!
Do you agree? There's also something I haven't heard about that's the sound quality and noise level... Pioneer with their latest CDJ1000Mk2 pretend to get a 115 dB S/N ratio... only 100dB for Technics which means that they're using lower quality components...
That said, I'm pretty sure that the MK2 version of the SL-DZ1200 will kill the competition...
djblend wrote on 05-11-2004 @ 01:32I did my own test, Without the Denon. That video does show the flaw of the pitch lock. But I had a DZ on the left/ CDJ100Mk2 on the right, both sounded very close in sound. I have yet to buy one but, I'm more to the D. I spin Hip-Hop W. my SL 1200mk2's and don't have a pitch lock! Dance/Club/Techno will the pitch lock come in handy. I tested them and there didn't sound that bad.
LeipeLeon wrote on 10-01-2005 @ 01:52Hmmmm... that old technics cd player sends me back to memory lane
spinned for years with 2 of those.... next to the usual SL's ofcourse...
the jogwheel was pretty useless tough, scratching was not even becoming close, only usable for ceu'ing
also the headphone output was handy, when someone else was spinning, you could prelisten cd's without disturbing the other person.
btw: did the pichtbending with the pitchfader...
needed some exercise, but when you could control that, is was pretty usable....
DJBeto wrote on 06-02-2005 @ 21:41The Best Digital Turntable
djmarco wrote on 05-04-2005 @ 19:34Does anybody now where to find a USER GUIDE for the SL-DZ1200 please let me know....
Ves wrote on 05-06-2005 @ 22:46Lees net dat er verschillende versies van de Sl-DZ uit zijn. er zijn versie gespot met 1.3, 1.5, 1.7 (de mijne), 1.9 en 2.1
Lead wrote on 21-10-2005 @ 08:37Latest News :
Flash Demonstration movie by Panasonic.
Als the latest released firmware at this moment seems to be V2.3
DjDM wrote on 02-07-2007 @ 19:30Hoezo digital distortion? ik heb helemaal nergens last van:S Als ik scratch met de pitch lock heb ik geen digitaal geluid maar gewoon hetzelfde alsof je je pitch lock uit hebt staan gewoon de normale scratch geluid, ik zou het trouwens ook niet erg vinden, ik zou het zien als een leuk en effectief effect. een maatje van me heeft ook een booth van de sl dz thuis en draait ermee in dicotheken maar die zei dat die last had van het geluid bij de pitchlock, dat het geluid overstuur zou zijn
IK HEB NERGENS LAST VAN!!!!!!!:S het is dezelfde werking als een zo'n Pioneer cdj 1000.
alleen niet 100% maar 50% in principe zit daar niet veel verschil in!!! als je je toeren op dz 1200 op 50% procent hebt en je zet je pitch fader helemaal naar de + issie net zo snel als een pioneer dat heb ik uitgestest met dezelfde cd dus... Als je met een cdj 1000 naar de helemaal naar de - gaat met 100% toeren dan houdt het geluid op op sl dz 1200 niet maarja dat vind ik niet erg, het is een degelijk stukje techniek zou ik nou een nieuwe software er in hebben ofzo
michaelmauve wrote on 18-09-2007 @ 01:37I will admit, the concept is very nice, and they were heading in the right direction. However, I will be the first one to post that the SD card function is outright useless. After reading the manual, it requires a special program and proprietary connector to format and execute any use out of it. I called Panasonic and they tried hitting me up for $150 for that kit. I searched high and low, and even looked on a forum dedicated to the SL-DZ1200, and even they said there was no way around it. I tried different utilities (both stand alone and system integrated) and no success. Very sneaky. After that experience, I decided to opt out and sell them.
The pitch lock glitch is quite annoying, and I dont think they ever released a fix for it. Even if they did, it was long over due - I ended up selling my pair and picked up some CDJ-1000mk2 and they mop the floor of this CD deck. I recently have upgraded to the mk3 model and couldn't been happier. If you absolutely need that motorized platter, hit up Denon's products.
I will admit the feel was great, and the design was very nice. But the software glitches and proprietary SD card formatter was a pitfall for its credibility. If they release the SL-DZ1200 mk2 then I will be the first one jump on the wagon to give it another shot, otherwise - CDJ-1000mk3 all the way.
rbluerreload wrote on 30-11-2007 @ 07:16After 3 years or more from its release the Technics have become the big losers of the digital turntables, the performance is worse than the Denons and even it is worse than some cheaper ones, Pioneer has become the definitive 1st place in this time, its a shame because when they went out there was a lot of talking around them, the design is still the coolest of all, but performance is definitively subpar. If you want a turntable with motor and very good performance go for the Denons, if you want the definitive standard and the best all around performance go for Pioneer, Technics has nothing to offer and I don't believe they want to release another model after this wasn't any successful.
DjRamon wrote on 16-01-2008 @ 11:58Is dit vnyl ??
strijkplank wrote on 17-03-2008 @ 21:34Zelf ben ik een grote Dave Clarke fan, en merk ik in zijn sets digitaal geluid bij sommige scratch geluiden. Nuja stoort dit? Niet echt. Zelf merk ik dat het geluid soms veeeeeel warmer klinkt als bij de pio's. (ikzelf heb 2pio's mk3)
Als je zorgt datje goeie kwaliteit hebt van jouw muziek merk je geen verschil met platen, juist dat een plaat warmer klinkt. De technics tonen digitaal geluid, maar zij eerllijk "scratch geluiden moetje kiezen", niet elk scratch geluid valt te gebruiken. Als je het over techno hebt.
Ilja wrote on 20-04-2009 @ 20:22Heheh, het is anno 2009 en dit zijn de spelers waar ik mijn draaien mee start. Zat functies om mee te spelen en kwa uiterlijk laat het pioneer, denon en alle anderen gewoon verbleken, en oja, er is geen hol mis met scratching.
carlosa wrote on 14-05-2009 @ 23:49nooit geprobeerd dus ga ook niet zeggen of die wel of niet goed werkt..wel wil ik zeggen dat ik het een hele mooie speler vind..en dat ik het ook jammer vind dat technics niet doorgaat met mixers en cdjs bouwen..ik vind het namelijk een topmerk...
Tekhead wrote on 17-07-2009 @ 04:35Heb me nu ook een cd speler aangeschaft, en het is deze technics geworden, waarom technics sldz ?
De mooiste van allemaal, en omdat mijn grote voorbeeld Dave Clarke ze ook altijd gebruikt. Het is wel
een 2de hands en jammer genoeg ontbrak de slipmat (platter) na lang en vruchteloos zoeken, besloten zelf eentje te ontwerpen en dat is aardig gelukt.
Foto kan je vinden in m'n dj booth
Ilja wrote on 12-09-2009 @ 17:51Damn ik mis deze speler toch vrij erg, in heel veel opzichten is ie gewoon veel te fijn vergeleken met vele anderen.?
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