Reloop - Player Tabletop - Gearbase
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 Reloop RMP-1

Submitted by jannickv  Flag on 08-03-2008 16:21
Last edited by Lead  Flag on 08-07-2018

Reloop RMP-1 Player Tabletop


Model : RMP-1

Brand : Reloop
Brand website :

Category : Player Tabletop

This product has been discontinued

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7 votes for Favourite Player Tabletop


Product Information

The black reloop RMP-1 offers all important functions in one convenient format – the design focuses on the main control elements, i. e. the 20 cm-large jog dial with its touch-sensitive plate and turntable-sized pitch fader. This concept is geared entirely towards intuitive use and is complemented by the high-resolution dot matrix multi-colour display. The technical highlight of the Reloop RMP-1 is the automatic and manual beat counter, which turns beatmixing into child's play.


feature MP3 compatible single front loader CD player
feature Automatic and manual beatcounter
feature 4 independent 5 second sample banks (pitchable)
feature 4 independent cue point banks
feature ID3-TAG support and CD text
feature Track and folder search
feature Extra bright Dot Matrix VFD display for all functions
feature Extra long pitchfader (on/off option)
feature Pitch range +/- 4/8/16/100%
feature Pitch bend up to +/- 100%
feature Auto cue
feature Seamless loop function / reloop function
feature Frame search
feature Instant start due to 1 bit technology (8-fold)
feature Playing address
feature 10 second anti-shock memory
feature Elapsed/remain time display
feature Sleep switch
feature Instant play as of cue point
feature Relay play
feature Fader start play
feature Digital output
feature Headphones output with volume control


feature S/N ratio : 97 dB
feature D/A converter : 8-fold/1 bit
feature Dimensions (WxDxH) : 320 x 340 x 110.5 mm
feature Weight : 4.0 kg


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DJResource / Reloop © 2025
There are 5 Comments
  Flag b-shock on 20-05-2009 @ 22:41
deze is al Discontinued Winking my eye
  Flag W_H on 05-10-2009 @ 10:14
@B-shock ik kan er nog gewoon aan komen dus echt Discontinued is hij niet echt:P
  Flag mBenjamin on 28-02-2010 @ 20:46
Ik heb hem net besteld samen met een RMX 20. (mixer) Happy, laughing
  Flag KleineHagenees on 03-10-2010 @ 02:22
ik ga deze 2x met een 3kanaals mixer bestellen, ga van digitaal naar cd playersCoolCool
  Flag Renect on 24-07-2011 @ 18:10
Of dit model niet meer gemaakt wordt weet ik niet. Er is inmiddels wel een Mk2-Scratch uit (waar de 'bekende problemen' niet meer aanwezig zijn).
Verder het logo ziet er iets anders uit op het jogwheel en de led-kleur op de play knop is blauw i.p.v. groen. Iets minder pioneer-achtig dus. Ik weet zelf niet hoe de 'oude' spelers draaien maar de Mk2 is iig een top-speler (BPM read-out laat soms nog wel te wensen over).?
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