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 Technics RP-DH1200

Submitted by Lead  Flag on 08-03-2008 16:21

Technics RP-DH1200 Headphones


Model : RP-DH1200

Brand : Technics
Brand website :

Category : Headphones

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19 votes for Favourite Headphones


Product Information

Closed-ear designs ensure that you hear every note, folding swing-arms allow for one-sided monitoring, the 24k gold plated stereo plugs make flawless contact, and every set is made to handle very high volumes.

feature Locking Replaceable Cord
An easy to replace locking cord means you never have to toss a working pair of headphones because of a broken cord again. To replace, simply twist and pull to remove the old cord, then insert a new one and twist it into the locking mechanism.

feature Reinforced Joints
Reinforced joints help prevent breakage in folding parts.

feature Folding Swing Arms
The RP-DH1200 can easily fold into multiple configurations for standard use, one-sided monitoring and storage.

feature Carrying pouch included
feature Large Diameter (50mm) Driver Units
feature High 3,500mW Input Power
feature Swivel Mechanism for free-style listening
feature Padded neck band for added comfort
feature Frequency Response 5Hz-30kHz

Read a Dutch Review in our Forum from Winston.


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There are 9 Comments
  Flag PedroMuniz on 09-04-2008 @ 20:22
i had this headphone for no more than a year and the Reinforced joints started cracking on me. i had a pair of pioneer dj headphones and they lasted 10 times longer . no im only use one side of the cup and im not buying one of these again. .GO PIONEER!
  Flag MoXeGy on 29-08-2008 @ 07:33
Good headphone, Strong, nice sound and it looks very Nice. The technics is as good as the pioneer
  Flag tom-j on 15-11-2008 @ 20:41
i agree! it's a very good Headphone and the sound is incredible!!!
  Flag Jori on 28-12-2008 @ 21:35
Very good sound, excellent build quality and it's very comfortable.
Looks very nice too. I think it's even better than the pioneer, it look's better :P
  Flag Convert on 12-02-2009 @ 21:36
Very good sound, and is very comfortable on you're head! Winking my eye
  Flag DJTano on 08-04-2009 @ 02:19
Best Headphones!! i just love them i even use them for monitoring! and they sound top notchCool
  Flag AndrewFuse on 05-09-2010 @ 18:36
Very great Headphones, a use them Voer 2 years, and I am proud to be owner of these headphones Happy, laughing Theay are great Winking my eye
  Flag raindance-rob on 29-09-2010 @ 18:57
i brought these headphones as most others dont cover my ears properly, while they dont sound as good as the higherend Sennheiser's they are pretty good for the money. btw if the cable gets lost/breaks like mine did when some fucker thought that it would be a good idea to cut it, their quite expensive & while its cheaper then replacing the headphones its still not cheap nor is the headphone jack adapter.
  Flag raindance-rob on 26-06-2011 @ 20:53
after using these for awile i found that they are too flat sounding so i got some Sennheiser HD 25-C MKIIs instead which sound miles better
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