Korg - Controller MIDI - Gearbase
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Submitted by main  Flag on 26-01-2010 20:30
Last edited by Lead  Flag on 30-07-2018




Brand : Korg
Brand website :  www.korg.com

Category : Controller MIDI

This product has been discontinued

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Product Information

The nanoKontrol is a compact MIDI controller without soundcard that connects to your computer over USB.

Don't let its size fool you - the Korg nanoKONTROL is a powerful tool for hands-on mixing in your DAW of choice. The USB-powered nanoKONTROL sports nine faders and knobs to give you direct access to amplitude and other parameters, as well as 18 switches and a transport section. You also get access to 168 distinct MIDI Control Change messages to totally transform and optimize your workflow. For the size and the price, the Korg nanoKONTROL is hard to beat.

There are basic transport controls and the interface mimics a 9 channel mixer strip, each with a slider, 2 illuminated buttons and a rotary knob. Unique is the 4 'scene', which let you create 4 pages of MIDI control so you can easily switch between controlling your DAW or a VST.

To make life easy, there is a downloadable Kontrol Editor on the Korg website to help you in programming. It is easy to setup in your DAW as you can configure it easily.


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