1991 Denon started
1991 : Oldest Denon gear in GearbaseType of company : Product development and manufactoring.
World's Firsts : Pitch and Instant Start on DJ CD Player (1991), Seamless Loop and 50% Pitch (1993), MD players for DJs (1997), Internal Memory and Shock Memory and Digital Output on CD player (1998), Hot Starts and Scratching and build-in Effects (2000), Digital DJ mixers (2001), Alpha Track (2002), CD player with Direct Drive (2005).
Denon's History started in 1910 as a manufacturer of single-side disc records and gramophones
1910 : Company started as Nippon Columbia Co., Ltd (founded by Frederick Whitney Horne).
1939 : Developed Japan's first professional-use disc recorder for the broadcasting industry
1951 : Commenced sales of Japan's first LP records.
1953 : Developed a professional-use tape recorder for the broadcasting industry.
1959 : Commenced commercial production of open-reel audio tapes.
1963 : Commenced sales of the DL-103 phono cartridge, one of the longest running products in audio history.
1971 : Commenced sales of hi-fi audio components, including turntables, amplifiers, tuners and loudspeakers.
1972 : Developed the world's first PCM digital recorder for regular studio use. Commenced sales of PCM records.
1981 : The Philips/Sony Compact Disc system was announced. Developed the DN-3000FE professional-use CD player.
1983 : Inaugurated sales of the world's first Compact Discs available at retail stores.
1987 : Introduces the world's first CD Cart™ Player, the DN-950F, for the broadcast and prof. industries.
1991 : Introduction DN-4000F, world first DJ CD player
1992 : Introduces DN-2000F and started the digital DJ revolution
1994 : Introduces MiniDisc Cart Players and MiniDisc Cart Recorders for the broadcast and professional industries.
1995 : Delivers the world's first family of MiniDisc products for the broadcast, DJ and professional industries.
1995 : Introduces the DN-2000F MK2 player.
1997 : Introduction of DN-M2000R, the world's first DJ MD player.
1998 : Introduction of DN-2000F MK3 player.
2003 : Introduction of DN-S3000 and DN-S5000.
2004 : Introduction of DN-X1500.
2005 : World's first direct drive CD player DN-S3500 and Denon's first headphones DN-HP1000.