What is your mixer setup? (3/5)
  English Topics, DO NOT reply in other languages than English !  

Gilles    posted on 30-05-2005 09:04
Just curious as to how you have setup your mixer. Is there a 'standard' to be used?

My current setup is : CDJ - Mixer(4 channel)?- CDJ, both the CDJ's are on the both most outer channels, meaning 1 and 4.

So, what is your mixer-channel setup?
User edit by Gilles on 30-05-2005 @ 09:05:12 (1%)
Mod edit by W.i.M on 08-01-2011 15:56 (4%)

What do you think about What is your mixer setup? ??

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Dav3    posted on 26-02-2006 09:15

Ch 2 Ableton Demo

Ch?4 CDJ800

Ch?5 CDJ800

Ch 6 CDJ800/SL1210MK2

User edit by Dav3 on 11-12-2006 @ 08:54:33 (15%)
kroket    posted on 27-03-2006 06:04
i have a weird setup ":P

3channel mixer

tt`s on channel 1 and 3, CD on channel 2
this is because i use the TTs more often, and then is the space between channel 1 and 3 the most pleasant Winking my eye
Illusion    posted on 27-03-2006 09:11
binnenkort ff djm 300 aanschaffen
22-12-2012: Kratoz @ Shock (Huize Maas Groningen)
remixer    posted on 02-04-2006 09:33
on a Dateq GPM 8.3

ch1: mic
ch2: cdj 500II
ch3: cdj 500II
ch4: sl 1210mkII
ch5: sl 1210mkII
ch6: mds-dre1 (md recorder)
ch7: pc
ch8: pc
bkdj    posted on 02-04-2006 09:49

ch1: 1210mk5+cdj800
ch2: 1210mk5+cdj800

output1 : to main sound system
output2 : via PC then to moitor speakers
denricco    posted on 02-04-2006 11:10
Xone 92:
channel 1 (line): Stanton ST-150
channel 2 (line): Stanton ST-150
channel 3 (line): Stanton ST-150
channel 4 (line): Numark CDX
record out: pc
booth output: to main soundsystem

User edit by denricco on 02-04-2006 @ 11:10:50 (2%)
FrankyN    posted on 02-04-2006 11:38
Pioneer DJM600 s

channel 1 (pioneer cdj800 mk2 next month)

channel 2 Technics sl1200 MK2

channel 3
channel 4 Technics sl1200 MK2

DJ_Inspiration    posted on 02-04-2006 12:17
Reloop RMX40BPM

Ch1 - Open

Ch2 - DN-S3000

Ch3 - DN-S3000

Ch4 - Laptop (for playing music)

Rec - Laptop (for recording music)

the-melody    posted on 05-04-2006 08:59
 even een update:    

                                (CDJ)           (EFX)   


Channel 1: CDJ 800

Channel 2: High Q10

Channel 3: SL1210mk2

Channel 4: T2

Send/Return: EFX-500

VanAise    posted on 09-12-2006 01:28
My mixer is the Numark 5000FX

Channel 1 - Technics 1210MK5G
Channel 2 - Technics SL-DZ1200
Channel 3 - Pioneer CDJ1000MK2

Channel 4 - Technics 1210MK5G/iPod 60 gig

HouseArrest    posted on 09-12-2006 07:13
JB Beat 6 MKII

Channel 1 - DJS-1150
Channel 2 - Gemini Xl-200
Channel 3 - Gemini Xl-200
Channel 4 - DJS-1150
Channel 5 - Not Used
robbert    posted on 09-12-2006 09:16
Dateq xtc mixer:

Channel 1: Pioneer cdj-1000
Channel 3: Pioneer cdj-800

Booth output: Philips cd-recorder
Jer    posted on 09-12-2006 10:04
Nuo 5:

Channel 1 (phono)     nothing
Channel 1 (high line)  axis 9
Channel 2 (phono)     nothing
Channel 2 (low line)   tape recorder
Channel 3 (phono)     nothing
Channel 3 (high line)  cd recorder
Channel 4 (phono)     nothing
Channel 4 (high line)  axis 9
Channel 4 (low line)   nothing
Channel 5 (high line)  nothing

Master output 1  Amplifier>Equalizer>Speakers
Master output 2  Monitor speakers

Rec 1  Cd recorder
Rec 2  Tape recorder

User edit by Jer on 05-01-2007 @ 07:50:27 (30%)
ScottB    posted on 09-12-2006 11:19
Reloop RMX-30

Channel 1: MicroKorg
Channel 2: CDJ-100s
Channel 3: CDJ-100s

Het is klein maar het is een begin :D
User edit by ScottB on 09-12-2006 @ 11:19:50 (1%)
Lukaz    posted on 09-12-2006 14:53
Reloop RMX30

Channel 1: Niks, Mini Stereo Jack (voor iPod, telefoon:P)
Channel 2: Gemini XL300 (druk aant sparen 2e OEM, lukt niet echt)
Channel 3: Akiyama Acura
                 Concorde Pro
Twello    posted on 09-12-2006 17:29
Reloop RMX-40 BMP

1: Reloop rp-4000
2: CDJ-800
3: -
4: JB Q30
Bastian    posted on 09-12-2006 18:11
                  [Jb Cd200]              [Jb Cd200]

[Akiyama Acura]   [Reloop Rmx 40BPM]  [Akiyama Acura]

Reloop Rmx 40 BPM:
Channel 1: Akiyama Acura
Channel 2: Jb Cd 200
Channel 3: Jb Cd 200
Channel 4: Akiyama Acura
the-melody    posted on 09-12-2006 18:50
                  (TT)             (TT)
                 (CDJ) (Mixer) (CDJ)


Kanaal 1: cdj
kanaal 2: tt
kanaal 3: tt
kanaal 4: cdj
DonBasco    posted on 09-12-2006 22:36
Op een DJM-600
Kanaal 1: MD-speler
Kanaal 2: CDJ-1000mk3
Kanaal 3: CDJ-1000mk3
Kanaal 4: Computer met Traktor
Gilles    posted on 10-12-2006 11:28
xone: 92

return 1 pc
return 2 -

line 1 cdj 1000
line 2 efx 500
line 3 redsound
line 4 cdj 1000

        [efx] [redsound]
[cdj 1000] [xone] [cdj 1000]
User edit by Gilles on 10-12-2006 @ 11:29:51 (99%)
MuffHouse    posted on 10-12-2006 12:19
On my Numark DM1002mk2 mixer

Channel 1 - line - Numark Axis 4
Channel 2 - line - Numark Axis 4
Master out - Koda amp. for the club
record out - pioneer amp. for monitors
User edit by MuffHouse on 10-12-2006 @ 12:20:33 (21%)
Day-One    posted on 10-12-2006 17:18

Lines spreekt voorzich aangezien dit een 2 kanaals mixer is Thumbs Up
Wout-r    posted on 10-12-2006 19:24
On my Reloop RMX-30:

Channel 1 -> Line -> MP3-Player
                -> Mic -> Microphone
Channel 2 -> Numark Axis 4
Channel 3 -> Numark Axis 4
User edit by Wout-r on 10-12-2006 @ 19:40:09 (100%)
Yorick    posted on 10-12-2006 19:31
Dateq Vibe:
Mic           -> Microphone
Channel 1 -> Synq CDX.1
Channel 2 -> Synq CDX.1
Channel 3 -> Pioneer Cdj 1000 Mk3
Channel 4 -> My Computer
DNR    posted on 10-12-2006 19:38
tec 300 ( ja ik weet het is nie een top mengpaneel maarja, gaat er binnekort uit)

ch 1.. tt
ch 2.. tt
ch 3.. mp3 speler of psp (voor muziek luisteren)
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