smx-2 mixer
  English Topics, DO NOT reply in other languages than English !  

djdeedee    posted on 23-03-2008 04:10
I need help with my new SMX-2 mixer.

Is there a way to take an mp3 or wav sound clip/effect and convert to a .mix file that the synq mixer will recognize on the sd card and play as a sample.
In other words, I want to preproduce my samples on my pc.



What do you think about smx-2 mixer ??

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djdeedee    posted on 23-03-2008 04:11
need help!
Boyd    posted on 23-03-2008 09:18
maybe you should try to use an wav file, and just chanche sample.wav in sample.mix

or use your friend google!
A-flex    posted on 23-03-2008 10:05
Wait here is al link where you can download a program to make samples for your synq. Click

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