Which music style do you play? (5/6)
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djmikmak1993    posted on 18-05-2005 17:22

What do you think about Which music style do you play? ??

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Estacy    posted on 25-05-2010 17:13
Poster: Estacy
Ik luister alles, maar ik draai house. van Deadmau5 tot Laidback Luke. Ook commerciele nummers draai ik wel, mits ik ze goed vindt! kdraai ook alleen wat ik lekker vindt, niet wat andere leuk vinden

'k denk dat dit mezelf wel mag verbeteren nu.

Ik draai nog steeds af en toe house (electro tot 90's deep house), maar voornamelijk Techno. verder sporadisch Drum n bass, en best veel top 40.
'George Clinton meeting Kraftwerk in an elevator'
TH3llC    posted on 25-05-2010 17:41
ik luister bijna alle genres behalve r&b en alles wat er op lijkt

maar ik draai vooral club industrial, harsh ebm, dark electro

weinig mensen die dit draaien denk ik

soms draai ik ook wel eens wat electro, hardcore, top 40,..
User edit by TH3llC on 25-05-2010 @ 17:43:43 (15%)
LemonKick    posted on 25-05-2010 20:08
Ik luister vooral hardstyle/hardcore. Das gewoon lekker knallen en energiek voor mij...

Kwa draaien... ik ben nog aan het orienteren maar tot nu toe bevalt de richting house/electro me wel!
Ewoud    posted on 25-05-2010 21:23
Ik draai house/electro met een top40 tintje en ook hardstyle! Wel een vette combinatie op zich.
Verder luister ik vooral nar top40 en af en toe naar 80's, 90's Cool
DJ Ecs
Vassilli    posted on 25-05-2010 21:27
Techno, Electro, House, Dubstep.
ElVrieso    posted on 25-05-2010 22:11
House, Dance, Klein beetje hardstyle of happy hardcore. Happy, laughing

Maar ik kan ook apres skieen of rock n roll draaien.

Bruno de Vries - @djelvrieso
Sjoewe    posted on 25-05-2010 22:20

Meer heb ik niet nodig. Smile
Ilja    posted on 25-05-2010 22:32
Trance, en als het echt moet, komt house ook wel door.
Illusion    posted on 26-05-2010 10:45

Ik kan alles draaien (komt mede door mijn drive-in show die ik vroeger had)
22-12-2012: Kratoz @ Shock (Huize Maas Groningen)
Tekhead    posted on 26-05-2010 12:29
Voor techno en retro
Floated on the waves of Fantasy, see my dream come true
kuituhh    posted on 26-05-2010 13:38
Hardstyle Happy, laughing

soms wat hardcore en house
Spin that Sh!t BAM!
AdenFarleigh    posted on 26-05-2010 13:43
Alles tussen techno en house in.
2x CDJ800mk2 | CDJ850 | Korg KM-402
Gerdo    posted on 26-05-2010 15:52
allround en thuis house
martijno    posted on 26-05-2010 15:54
hardstyle Happy, laughing soms ook house
ianroma    posted on 26-05-2010 20:33
house, minimal house/techo
AndrewFuse    posted on 12-07-2010 20:00
Listen: Trance/Chillout/House
Play: Progressive Trance/Techno
faure    posted on 10-09-2010 16:41

Trance For paradise Energy
Electro for party
Tech House for mixing
House for listening
Funky for summers day
Hard for freak out
Progressive for journey

raindance-rob    posted on 19-09-2010 00:50
i mainly play 90s happy hardcore & bouncy techno. however i also play makina, trancecore, house, gabba, hardcore, jungle, drum & bass, old skool, rave breaks, chicago house, acid house, classic house, trance, hard trance, hardstyle & club classics etc.
ArCee    posted on 19-09-2010 08:46
I am a true trance animal.
The reason is simpel. In my search for the most energetic and melodic dance music I did for more as 15 years, trance turned out to be the ultimate dance music for me. It simply has everything I love, need and want in a good dance track.
Today you find a lot of sub styles in Trance, such as progressive, uplifting, energetic and tech, so lots of people find something they like in this style.
My favorite are energetic and Techtrance. I simply love the more rawer sound, I adore 138 to 140 bpm (in my humble opinion the sweetest speed to dance to) and the complete overall sound of those tracks. Thy have everything in them I like.
Mixing those tracks into an amazing set really makes my day Cool
I am done with uplifting after hearing it for almost 10 years. No new things in that genre anymore and some tracks are even released before they are really finished. They don't even sound like they are done yet?
Also, they use boringly long breaks in uplifting trance today, sometimes even 1/3 of the track is a break without a beat. Those producers lots it from my point of view? Every dance track is made to dance to, and you can't dance to a beatless break.
If I want something to listen to, I buy a ABBA album, but don't do it with Trance!!!!!Cool
Progressive is to soft and to slow for me, it make me fall a sleep. There are always some exceptions I do like, but in general I love the trance that is more alive so to say, made by producer/deejays such as: Indecent Noise, Sean Tyas, Mark Sherry, Johan Ekman, Matt Skyer, Joined Operations Centre (the techy part of John O'Callaghan), Tom Colontonio, Fei-Fei, Mac & Taylor and many more.?

ArCee is true to Trance, you can't tame taste !!?
dj-zero    posted on 19-09-2010 09:12
house & elektro,,, en het ligt aan de gelegenheid maar soms ook dance..
Vinnyo    posted on 19-09-2010 10:07
House, electro en natuurlijk hardstyle?Cool
niiicola    posted on 19-09-2010 10:26
Pff, zo'n beetje alles behalve Trance.
Lucalicious    posted on 19-09-2010 14:04
house, techno, electro, progressive, trance, en alles wat er tussen zit.
absoluut geen hardcore en dat soort dingen.
AdenFarleigh    posted on 19-09-2010 21:59
House & Techno
2x CDJ800mk2 | CDJ850 | Korg KM-402
BennoRevelli    posted on 19-09-2010 22:30
|| CDJ-2000 - DJM-2000 - CDJ-2000 - HDJ-2000 ||
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