Which music style do you play? (4/6)
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djmikmak1993    posted on 18-05-2005 17:22

What do you think about Which music style do you play? ??

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Bootstrap    posted on 23-09-2009 15:05
Poster: matezo
techno tot minimal

electro (niet de commercial shit maar de hardere stuff)

Hier precies hetzelfde Cool
Xone 4D | MacBook | HD25 | Kaoss Pad mini
martijno    posted on 23-09-2009 18:27
TheDutchDecks    posted on 23-09-2009 18:45
Poster: martijno
same, niks meer en niks minder Cool
Seca    posted on 23-09-2009 20:18
Oldschool Classics ( Bonzai Records! Cool?)
Estacy    posted on 23-09-2009 20:34
Ik luister alles, maar ik draai house. van Deadmau5 tot Laidback Luke. Ook commerciele nummers draai ik wel, mits ik ze goed vindt! kdraai ook alleen wat ik lekker vindt, niet wat andere leuk vinden
'George Clinton meeting Kraftwerk in an elevator'
Ewoud    posted on 24-09-2009 14:37
Poster: Estacy
Ik luister alles, maar ik draai house. van Deadmau5 tot Laidback Luke. Ook commerciele nummers draai ik wel, mits ik ze goed vindt! kdraai ook alleen wat ik lekker vindt, niet wat andere leuk vinden

Dit doe ik ook . Hoor ik een leuk nummer in de top 40, dan zoek ik er een house mix van op. Luister ook wel veel hardstyle mar met mixen is house toch veel vetter om te doen.Cool
DJ Ecs
AdenFarleigh    posted on 23-10-2009 18:36
Used to mix trance, minimal and deephouse as well; but i figured too many genres would be too expensive; so i quit with the?last 3?genres. Happy, laughing
2x CDJ800mk2 | CDJ850 | Korg KM-402
User edit by AdenFarleigh on 23-10-2009 @ 18:37:11 (6%)
BennoRevelli    posted on 11-03-2010 20:02
Hasn't been a post for a while.. but my genres are ;

- Trance
- Techno
- House
- Progressive
- Minimal
- Dance
- Club
|| CDJ-2000 - DJM-2000 - CDJ-2000 - HDJ-2000 ||
XMatiC    posted on 11-03-2010 20:05
I'am playing Mostly :

- Hardstyle
- Hardcore
- Electro
- Groove
Mathiz    posted on 11-03-2010 20:06
wat verandert :d
-tech house?
-soms wat d&b of hardstyle
User edit by Mathiz on 11-03-2010 @ 20:06:57 (35%)
Woudtje    posted on 11-03-2010 20:06
Poster: Seca
Oldschool Classics ( Bonzai Records! Cool?)
Dat is echt een super uber vet label?Cool. ?Heb ook veel muziek van dit label.
niiicola    posted on 11-03-2010 20:06

Tekhead    posted on 11-03-2010 20:36
Real Retro - Techno - Schranz - Electro - House ( niet allemaal op dezelfde avond uiteraard)
Floated on the waves of Fantasy, see my dream come true
Dolivieira    posted on 11-03-2010 20:51
-Real House Music (Club, Latin, Bouncin, Jackin?House muziek in de breedste zin?en van Oud Naar Nieuw)?
-Techhouse, Deephouse, Minimal, Progressive, Techno en Electro
-70`s,?80`s en?90`s?
-Urban (Hiphop, R&B, Bubbling en Reggueton)??
-Disco en Dance Classics.??

Voor deze Thema`s ben ik te boeken
CDJ2000Nexus DDJFLX10 DDJ-XP1 RMX1000 SL1200MK2s
User edit by Dolivieira on 20-03-2010 @ 15:58:19 (91%)
Vassilli    posted on 11-03-2010 20:56
- House
- Techno
- Electro
- Hardstyle
wannes951    posted on 11-03-2010 21:02
house, progressive, electro, techno, rave,pop,dance
-FLoriZ-    posted on 11-03-2010 21:19
-Fidget House
-'Dirty' House
-'Gewone' House
-Electro House
-Progressive House

En ik ga mezelf dubstep leren draaien :+
RDJ 1IE-Ortofon O2-MacBook Pro 13''-Traktor Pro-EFX6:2
tek-zotic    posted on 11-03-2010 21:57
Yvaroz    posted on 11-03-2010 22:21
Nothing is Impossible
DVDM    posted on 11-03-2010 22:52
Trance/Progressive, met af en toe eens een uitstapje richting andere stijlen :D
JollyJunkie    posted on 11-03-2010 22:56
ArCee    posted on 17-03-2010 12:13
Just myself, I have evolved in my music.

Started with Disco at 14, than came house music like hiphouse, techno, mellow and club.
The last 10 years, TRANCE is my thing, mainly uplifting and energetic Trance with a sniff of tech.

People I really like because of there productions are:
Indecent Noise.
Jordan Suckley.
Matt Skyer.
Mark Sherry.
Tom Colontonio.
Sean Tyas.
Joined Operations Centre for energetic trance and for uplifting:
Daniel Kandi.
Andy Bleuman.
Nitrous Oxide.
Aly & Fila, and so on........................

BennoRevelli    posted on 20-03-2010 15:19
Poster: ArCee
'TRANCE is my thing, mainly uplifting and energetic Trance with a sniff of tech.'

People I really like because of there productions are:
Indecent Noise.
Jordan Suckley.
Matt Skyer.
Mark Sherry.
Tom Colontonio.
Sean Tyas.
Joined Operations Centre for energetic trance and for uplifting:
Daniel Kandi.
Andy Bleuman.
Nitrous Oxide.
Aly & Fila, and so on........................


ben het helemaal met je eens, die trance producers zijn absoluut top!
|| CDJ-2000 - DJM-2000 - CDJ-2000 - HDJ-2000 ||
DJMixing    posted on 20-03-2010 16:03
UK Hardcore!
ArCee    posted on 25-05-2010 16:57
In my youth I started with soul, funk and disco because it was the only thing around at that time. In 1988 moved into housemusic and starting 2000 TRANCE?became my real destiny.
Although at this forum not many are really into trance (anymore) I believe, up untill this day, it is the best, complete sound in dance music. It has all a good dance track need. Speed, energy, melody and vocals.
What else does a humain need and want? Cool
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