Stores selling DJ-equipment
  English Topics, DO NOT reply in other languages than English !  LOCKED 

envi    posted on 16-02-2008 20:17
I'd like to compile a list of stores that sell DJ-equipment. Details about them would be great too. ATM, I only know of four, but if you help out the list could be more complete.

If you know any more, please help me include it in the list.
Mod edit by Zen on 08-01-2011 19:10 (59%)

What do you think about Stores selling DJ-equipment ??

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zeppelin    posted on 16-02-2008 21:23
Germany: [edit] - Worldwide,better than excellent selection, best choice for europe and others.
USA: [edit] - excellent selection,very good prices only for USA.
Alert : No links to webshops are allowed on DJresource
Mod edit by Lead on 17-02-2008 12:28 (20%)
jannickv    posted on 17-02-2008 00:26
i dont think this is allowed at djr

quote of the guidelines

Not allowed links
You are free to add all link that you want, but there is a stringent approval policy. We expect that a link must have added value and has a decent look. If you want to know what our members think of your website, post it in our forums : [SPAM] Your website.

We do not approve links that contain any of the following stuff :
  • XXX-rated sites
  • Sites that contain a (Gear) Webshops
  • Illegal download sites
  • Violence
  • Political issues
  • Domain must be on a normal host,
    .tk will not be approved due to the needless banners.
envi    posted on 17-02-2008 02:34
Oh, thats some harsh stuff. Locating stores that actually deal with this kind of gear is hard enough already. Can't be any harm to compile a list? What more fitting topic can there be under a website called djresources.

Lead, or some other admin, can you deny or aprove the continuation of this topic?
Jorrit    posted on 17-02-2008 10:21
No webshop links allowed here, sorry!

Lead    posted on 17-02-2008 12:31

DJResource is a privatly funded website which is costing us money each month allthough we have some Google ad (which only pay a few cents). Webshops can reach us to hire a banner, they gain benifit of links at our website so they make money while we loose it by suppling the room.

For futher details you can PM or mail me if it's stilll unclear.
Let the BASS be louder

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