The accuracy and speed please me the most on the CDJ. I only own CDJ and TTs but I've used a lot of equipment for my job. I've also the Denons but must say that an error is quit fast made with all the double and tripple functions of the player.
Off course when you won a pair of decks you figure out everything so eventually you get used to it. But the simplicity of the CDJ is enough to play with and keeps the design clean.
The Hot Cue's in combination with the MMC possibility really rule. It gives you a way to do some homework before a performance. I know that a pre-studied trick is worthless, but when you make 10 good Cue Point in a track you can decide at that moment which you store under the HotCues.
Waveform is very easy, allthough you will survive without it
Loading speed is fast and with a second or so your track is playing. Scratching can be done almost instantly.
For beat joggling and scratching there are plenty of people using the CDJs for it (De La Soul and Prodigy have both been seen using them).
But at the end it's always a personal choice, there is no good or bad, there are only differences. The best thing to do is to go to a shop and test them out yourself.