CDJ 400 vs 800mk2
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DomParker    posted on 21-12-2007 22:26
Im currently trying to descide between the two at the moment. So i thought i'd get some opinions from all of you.

Also i know that some of you have contacts with pioneer, so is it worth waiting for a new product that will replace the 800? or is that not coming any time in the near future?

cheers for your time and opinionsCry

What do you think about CDJ 400 vs 800mk2 ??

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Winston    posted on 22-12-2007 00:00

My guess is that you will wait at least another whole year for a replacement of the CDJ-800MK2 because it's pretty new.

And what player will fit you depends on the kind of DJ you are.

Tic Toc
D-wan    posted on 22-12-2007 00:08
Poster: Winston

And what player will fit you depends on the kind of DJ you are.

It's like choosing between a standard Mercedes E class or a full options C class...Cry
I would go for the CDJ 800 because i like the big jogwheel, which is very simular to the CDJ 1000 which is the club standard...
But... If you are a home DJ, which likes the fx on the player and the possibilities of using the USB-function, go for the 400 !
User edit by D-wan on 22-12-2007 @ 00:09:17 (4%)
DomParker    posted on 22-12-2007 10:24

To be honest, what has made me consider the 400 recently was when i had the 800 and 400 side by side and looking at the two; it seems like the 400 has everything the 800mk2 does but with some extras (and of course your getting all that for cheaper.

Am i right in thinking that the only thing you do lose from the 800 is the vinyl speed adjust, the auto beat loop buttons and the quick return button?

Lead    posted on 22-12-2007 10:30
Tje CDJ-400's jog is smaller so you need to get used to that... When you play out i clubs where you'll find the CDJ-800's/1000's you're better of with a CDJ-800 because then you have the same feeling at home as in the clubs.

Whe you're into digital DJ-ing the CDJ-400 is the one for you.

I don't think that e new CDJ-800 will come very soon as the MK2 only has been around for about a year.
Let the BASS be louder
DomParker    posted on 22-12-2007 11:00
I think at the moment im swayed towards the 400. For me it seems like im going to be paying an extra £70 for a bigger jog and less features...
weijs    posted on 22-12-2007 11:40
Last week my new babies arrived at home, 2 cdj 400's. I must say that I can't compare it to the CDJ 800, because I have never played with that machine. But I can tell you that the 400's Jog is quite ok, I'm not a scratching DJ, but it works pretty well. If the jog is your only concern, I would try to compare them next to each other. Don't think you will be using the scratch fx, because you won't, but the other fx are pretty damn good.

I love the 400's!!
Winston    posted on 23-12-2007 00:03

Poster: DomParker
I think at the moment im swayed towards the 400. For me it seems like im going to be paying an extra £70 for a bigger jog and less features...

You can also look at it like this. I'm going to pay an extra 70 pounds for a professional jog, for better turntable emulation and a professional feeling.

If you prefer efx and/or like the digital storage media compatibility above turntable feeling you must choose the CDJ-400.

I hope you can see the difference. The CDJ-800 is meant for old skool dj-ing, while the 400 caters the younger generation dj's, who like producer's features i.e. a load of efx and digital compatibility.

Probably the technology behind a pro grade jog is more expensive.

Tic Toc
DomParker    posted on 25-12-2007 13:25
Lolz. So after all that its a draw at 17-17. Useful comments though guys. I think im going to go for the CDJ 800mk2. i managed to play all the sites off against each other and got two of them down to £1765(thats for two CDJ 800mk2's and a DJM 700) from £1795! So since the prices are practically the same (the same package but with CDJ400s is 1725) so the CDJ800 is only £40 more Cry
MaykFroix    posted on 25-12-2007 15:09
Poster: Lead
I don't think that e new CDJ-800 will come very soon as the MK2 only has been around for about a year.

Isn't the MK2 released in the beginning of 2006? That would make it almost 2 years....
I hope Pioneer will be smart and release a CDJ800 MK3 next year. Cry

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