SL1200 Value
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Paul-E    posted on 14-12-2007 05:22
Hi all,

I have an original sl1200 (1975)
I was wondering how much it would be worth.


What do you think about SL1200 Value ??

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Camino    posted on 14-12-2007 06:12
hard to say, it would seriously depend on the state that its in... you might also have a hard time finding your market in case you were planning to auction it off
robbert    posted on 14-12-2007 09:01
For this kind of djgear you need a special buyer, someone who is looking for such turntable for a long time. Don't sell it to fast, but wait till you find the buyer who was looking for it for a long time..
LSunicaXL    posted on 14-12-2007 10:51
I would post it on as many (specified) fora as you can looking for a buyer, maybe put an ad on ebay?!

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