pioneer hdj-1000 vs technics rp-dh1200?? (3/3)
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trancegroove    posted on 04-05-2005 04:55
I have just cancelled an order for some Technics I'm am reconsidering the pioneer hdj-1000.

The only real difference I see is that the technics has a removable cable on the outside of the headphone (which seems to be very convenient) and the Pioneer has it on the inside.

Anyone had any experience with both of these headphones?

Any other headphones to consider?

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What do you think about pioneer hdj-1000 vs technics rp-dh1200?? ??

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Jorrit    posted on 26-01-2006 18:17
that AKG mentions that its swivel (3D Axis) is rugged built.
But would they say: 'look, our swivel sux!'    If AKG says it, that doenst mean a lot...
Winston    posted on 26-01-2006 20:21
@ Jorrit
Haha! Finally someone else who gets the point. A lot of companies won't mention anything and you get disappointed within a few months.

The ones who did something to improve the strenght of the swivel will mention it, like AKG and Pioneer (with the SE-M10R), but if its true will remain until after several months or a few years.

That's why I will make a database of strong Professional DJ HF's. Do you want to join your Headphone in the test?
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Winston    posted on 27-01-2006 19:55
I wrote to the technical support rep of AKG Acoustics to ask a question about the durability of their new K181 PRO DJ Headphone. Soon I had a nice answer. To be fair to other brands, I will also send them an e-mail asking the same question. In the near future I'll post their answers on another topic ofcourse.

The companies I will write are Pioneer, Technics, Sony, Vestax, American DJ, Stanton, Numark, Behringer, Denon and Sennheiser. If someone knows any other brand of PRO DJ Headphones I forgot please let me know soon.

Off topic:
News for GJ's. In my search for headphone manufacturers I stumbled on the new Sci-Fi looking turntable of Vestax.
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