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nelly    posted on 02-05-2005 11:56
I have read in the specs that the CDJ's can read Cd-R Cd-RW, does this mean, i can throw like 120 MP3's on a data cd, and the player will read it, or do all cds need to be burnt in audio formatConfused

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What do you think about CDJ 1000MK2 PLAYBACK ??

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LauW    posted on 02-05-2005 12:15
CDJ 1000MK2 doesnt have mp3 support, so just 80min on a cd. Maybe take a look at the new CDJ 200 if you wanna use mp3 cd's.
Lead    posted on 02-05-2005 19:25
All CDs that you might want to put in the CDJ-1000 has to be audio CD.

MP3 needs more hardware and new software so there will never be an update for the mk2 to play MP3 music.
Let the BASS be louder
nelly    posted on 03-05-2005 06:49
i was hoping to have more music on the one cd for convienence, does it make a big quality difference when using mp3 cds. i.e ( should this be a deciding factor in choosing dn-s5000 or cdj1000mk2)  

Lead    posted on 03-05-2005 09:20
It really makes a big difference between real audio CDs and MP3. Only when you create mp3 with the highest setting it might sound like real audo but most of the compressions methodes are not that good so you end up with poor sounding MP3 tracks....
Let the BASS be louder
nelly    posted on 04-05-2005 13:15
ok thanks this website is awesome, has helped me buying 2x cdj mk2s, just gotta decide on a mixer
Lead    posted on 04-05-2005 17:34
the best match for the CDj-1000's would be a DJM-1000 Thumbs Up
Let the BASS be louder
ImPaCtDJ    posted on 13-07-2005 00:58
Hi Lead, this is a bit off topic but do you know if pioneer is planing to launch any other CD player like CDJ-1000MK2? perhaps MK3 ? with mp3 support or other features?

How long the CDJ-1000 has been on the market?


Lead    posted on 13-07-2005 08:06
There has nothing been announched about such a player.

Let the BASS be louder

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