pioneer cdj500 forced ejection hole
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wbx    posted on 03-12-2007 12:16
Need some help. My pioneer CDJ500 MKII is stuck. Was using it, and just suddenly stopped, and the disc wont eject (the lid wont pop up). I looked at the manual and it says there a 'forced ejection hole' which?can be used to manually open the lid. The instructions doesn't seem very clear, and?the?instructions make it look very easy.?I've made a makeshift 'key' (thats what it says in the manual), and put it in the hole and turned it left (i've tried many times), and it still doesn't open.

Anyone encountered this problem before? Need help as I need to take the disc out. Wondering if anyone can help me out or should I just bring it to a electrical shop. Thanks.
Mod edit by W.i.M on 08-01-2011 15:30 (9%)

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