CDJ 1000mk3 upgrade
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DomParker    posted on 27-10-2007 18:23
Does anyone have any idea if pioneer have any plans to update the CDJ-1000mk3? Ive been saving up for a pair for almost a year... Yea i know, my saving skills arn't great at the moment Cry; and i really don't want to spend the money only to find the new model is coming out in the next 6 months.

Cheers, DomCry
Mod edit by W.i.M on 08-01-2011 20:01 (1%)

What do you think about CDJ 1000mk3 upgrade ??

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Lead    posted on 28-10-2007 15:16
Don't worry, you can buy your MK3, I don't think in that time frame Pioneer will come up with a new CDJ-1000 type. It's not that long ago that the MK3 was introduced.
Let the BASS be louder
SpAzZ    posted on 28-10-2007 16:42
Lead actually Pioneer is about to come out with a couple of new products, one which might be a new deck. I'm totally guessing of course of what it might be, but I'm going to hold off on purchasing some MK3s until I know for sure what it is. Supposed to be revealed at BPM (10th, 11th Nov).
User edit by SpAzZ on 28-10-2007 @ 16:59:01 (42%)
Bouncy    posted on 28-10-2007 16:48
I think you better can wait, till a new deck will come, but that can be 4 years or 1 month, you don't know.
Lead    posted on 28-10-2007 18:56
Poster: SpAzZ
Lead actually Pioneer is about to come out with a couple of new products, one which might be a new deck.....

I've got some sources... check my current job somewhere in my bio Winking my eye

But since it's a short wait, hold your purchase a few days to be sure :D

btw, don't forget to post your findings of the expo here, I'm curious to your opinion of it.
Let the BASS be louder
Mod edit by Lead on 28-10-2007 18:57 (33%)
DomParker    posted on 29-10-2007 17:15
Awesome! cheers guysCry

I'd be interested to see if Pioneer have new plans... Hope its not much more than the Mk3's though. Its been enough of a mission just to save up for a pair of thoseCry

Dom Cry

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