Beringer DJX-700 - yes/no? (2/2)
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H    posted on 31-03-2005 13:38
hey ppl!
wasup? i wanted to know if anybody in here has got or used the Behringer DJX-700 mixer. it's like the pinoneer djm500 and 600. i really like both of them, but they cost a lot more than the behringer. currently i've got a vestax pcv-002, which i'm really happy with but i wanted a 4channel mixer and was lookin at some.... so if u know more, any other 4channel mixer, holla!
User edit by W.i.M on 30-04-2005 @ 20:31:38 (6%)
Mod edit by Zen on 08-01-2011 18:51 (1%)

What do you think about Beringer DJX-700 - yes/no? ??

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Giona    posted on 28-11-2005 03:29
I think it depends on what u ask for what u pay. DJX700 is a cheap mixer with home use expectations... nothing comparable to mixers that you pay 500/1000 euros of course, but if you buy it for 200 euros and use it at home (or non professional) it seems to be a good device    posted on 29-11-2005 14:05
no,, ik looks verry good en interesting, but the quality is 0
teddyaakre    posted on 04-04-2006 00:39
No matter what you do.. DON'T BUY BEHRINGER MIXERS!
bacu    posted on 05-05-2006 15:37
Poster: teddyaakre
No matter what you do.. DON'T BUY BEHRINGER MIXERS!

it is true, Behringer is wery bad mixers

LovelvanOerle    posted on 05-05-2006 15:49
seriosly dont buy a behringer you will regret it, I had one for a day, the day after I returned it and dug a little deeper in to my wallet and bought a Numark 5000-fx, which I'm really satisfied with.

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