Beringer DJX-700 - yes/no? (1/2)
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H    posted on 31-03-2005 13:38
hey ppl!
wasup? i wanted to know if anybody in here has got or used the Behringer DJX-700 mixer. it's like the pinoneer djm500 and 600. i really like both of them, but they cost a lot more than the behringer. currently i've got a vestax pcv-002, which i'm really happy with but i wanted a 4channel mixer and was lookin at some.... so if u know more, any other 4channel mixer, holla!
User edit by W.i.M on 30-04-2005 @ 20:31:38 (6%)
Mod edit by Zen on 08-01-2011 18:51 (1%)

What do you think about Beringer DJX-700 - yes/no? ??

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TheSupercrab    posted on 31-03-2005 14:45
DJX- 700 No. Reasons - Faders are crap.. wont last you very long unless your lucky. Also the effects are not the best.. They are set to a standard bpm which u can not change thusmost of them are usless.. If u want a cheap 4 channels effects mixer i would advise looking at the Sync  SMX1 or the Reloop RMX40 Dsp. More info about these mixers and why they are a good choice can be found at this site. . Hope this helps!
Lead    posted on 31-03-2005 16:15
The DJX-700 is NOTHING like the DJM from Pioneer accept for the looks.

It's nearly an empty box, effects do not synchronize with the audio. Faders are not so good, I hear stories that half of the units sold in certain shops have returned.

The Sync SMX-1 would be a better choice, check out he review that Jorrit made :


Let the BASS be louder
jordy    posted on 31-03-2005 19:41
i would't buy is... friend of my has one... no problems so far but still

H    posted on 01-04-2005 00:21
thanx for the info.... it's a shame that it isnt how i thought it was going to be...  my current vestax mixer (pcv-002) gave it's right channel and not a single sound is coming out!, it's still under warrenty but the shop from where i bought it has closed down....and no other shops sell vestax here....i have to say the mixer was great while it lasted...maybe i get it repared... or try one of my skillful electronic-operations...Winking my eye

the SynQ SMX mixer looks really nice and reminds me of the numark ppd 9000, is there any connection between the 2 of them? i have tried the ppd 9000 and it is really great...
Lead    posted on 01-04-2005 00:33
It's more something like Pioneer's DJM-3000. Also the shape of the housing is pretty much the same.
Let the BASS be louder
Gilles    posted on 02-04-2005 10:44
As a djx700 user i say NO. I have been bumping into limitations of the mixer and maybe it's just the way it's build but it's not what i want out of a mixer.

As an example, the send channel for and EFX is post EQ, something i would really love to see different. Then the channel send is chained to the Monitor Cue. So once you play with effects you cannot really setup your 2nd player.

And that list of complaints goes on for some time. Now i don't know how the DJM is setup in that respect. Or even a Xone, but it's high time for me to seriously check out those mixers.
User edit by Gilles on 02-04-2005 @ 10:45:02 (1%)
Jorrit    posted on 02-04-2005 11:35
Poster: H
the SynQ SMX mixer looks really nice and reminds me of the numark ppd 9000, is there any connection between the 2 of them? i have tried the ppd 9000 and it is really great...
I dont know that mixer, but the synq smx-1 is a copy (visual) of the pioneer DJM-3000, as lead said.
I don't know about the djm-3000, but the synq is a fine mixer! There is a review in the forum..
H    posted on 03-04-2005 04:21
hey guess what i found a shop here in luxembourg that sells "SynQ", to be honest it's the first time i've heard of the make... i have used the djm 3000 and liked it... i also found out that the synq mixer costs about 515€. is that a good price for it? i paid about 250€ for my vestax mixer and have to say i am disapointed that it isn't working anymore after less than a year. has any of u got the synq mixer? and yes for how long has it lasted?
TheSupercrab    posted on 03-04-2005 11:46
if u take good care of your mixer (cover it up when ur not using it, Dont slam the faders to hard) there is no reason it should not have a durable lifetime.
jordy    posted on 03-04-2005 16:57
less then a year... warranty?
Jorrit    posted on 03-04-2005 21:06
Poster: H
hey guess what i found a shop here in luxembourg that sells "SynQ", to be honest it's the first time i've heard of the make... i have used the djm 3000 and liked it... i also found out that the synq mixer costs about 515€. is that a good price for it? i paid about 250€ for my vestax mixer and have to say i am disapointed that it isn't working anymore after less than a year. has any of u got the synq mixer? and yes for how long has it lasted?
Here in the netherlands 500 is an average price, but I don't know how that is over there...
I got the synq: check out my review: //
H    posted on 04-04-2005 23:01
read the review thnax guyz! i'm gonna try and see if i can try it out before i make a choice. if i understood correctly jorrit u have the mixer? 515€ is what the guy in the shop said... he seems to be the only synq-seller here aswell, they also sell gemini mixers. there is an other shop that mainly sells numark, pioneer and rodec (etc apart from vestax) aswell. as for the vestax shop they ain't ballin nomore....

@jordy, how do mean less than a year warranty? as it seems the only thing if i want to get it fixed uder the guarantee i'll have to contact vestax myself. in theory i should have a 2 year guarantee.... i hope it's true...
SonicWalker    posted on 12-07-2005 00:46
no, because they just copy ideas and use the cheapest production lines Uli can find in China. Save some more money and buy innovation and quality.
Lead    posted on 12-07-2005 00:57
2 year waranty is for CONSUMER audio covered by law. For pro-equipment it's still 1 year official (Pioneer in Benelux offers 2 years)
Let the BASS be louder
PeterB    posted on 15-08-2005 11:09
Lead maybe you can elaborate on where the line between consumer and pro-equipment is drawn in Dutch legislation?

Is, for example, a Behringer mixer pro equipment?  I can hardly imagine it would qualify as such. Mainly because it will be bought for domestic use in 90+% of the cases. The quality would also rule it out for pro use anyway. 

As a consequence wouldn't it be consumer audio and therefore qualify for a two year warranty period? Isn't the same thing true for a CDJ 100/200 (not for quality reasons)? Or is it pro-equipment because a manufacturer labels it as such (therefor not having to deal with a longer warranty period)
Nvie    posted on 15-08-2005 11:58
Poster: Lead
2 year waranty is for CONSUMER audio covered by law. For pro-equipment it's still 1 year official (Pioneer in Benelux offers 2 years)
That's for pioneer.
Look at this:
Consumer = car audio and things like that
Pro = DJ/VJ

i don't think you can name make's 'pro' and 'non-pro'. Of course some make's are better than the other one. Only based on your opinion you can name that. But there is no fact that some are 'pro' and 'non-pro'. A fact is that some make's like behringer are 'budget'
PeterB    posted on 15-08-2005 13:34
The way you put it, Nvie, the manufacturer is the one who determines whether a product is pro or consumer, even if the product is marketed and mainly sold to the end-consumer market.

Example: I'm manufacturer A and we make equipment, for instance amplifiers, and name it "for pro use" we only have to give 1 year warranty instead of 2? That sounds a bit odd...

I do not think this was intended when they designed this law.

Lead    posted on 21-08-2005 23:46
Also for pro-audio there is (yet) no 'verwijderingsbijdrage' in Holland.

I do not know exactly who decides when a product can be labeled like pro-audio or not. I guess the manufacterer has to follow certain guidelines in order for a product to be labeled as pro.

From this year onwards there is a 2 year warrenty periode for the professional DJ equipment so there is nothing to be worried about. Just go back to the shop and they'll fix it. Different counties are free to make changes in their Terms of Use, as long as it is withing local laws.

The 2 year warrenty on consumer audio is also something from last year and rules are changing constantly.
Let the BASS be louder
Mod edit by Lead on 21-08-2005 23:48 (15%)
sebbejak    posted on 21-08-2005 23:58
no don´t make same mistake as me..
DJ_SEVEN_7_    posted on 16-09-2005 07:57
Over my dead body, or half def ear for that matter

/Seven    posted on 16-09-2005 15:18
if you 've got the money buy the pioneer
Jorrit    posted on 16-09-2005 16:00
could you tell us why you think so?
Gilles    posted on 16-09-2005 16:25
I've got one for sale  since i have been XONED !
Lukaz    posted on 17-09-2005 22:51
I liked it also but i've heard to many wrong answers on this kind of questions Winking my eye  so know i've buyd an otherone Happy, laughing
H    posted on 24-09-2005 16:06
those of u that told me not to buy the djx 700 i can understand why. i didn't buy the mixer myself but a friend of mine did, and let's just say that u get what u paid for. i'm glad not to have boughten it and instead got the stanton SA3. they were round the same price. the main difference being that the djx700 has 4 channels and my one has 2. but i thought it's better spending the same amount on a good 2 channel mixer as oposed to a "not so good" 4 channel mixer. i'm really happy with my new mixer the faders all have reverse functions on them and are very strong aswell and are much smoother than my old vestax pcv 002.
just one final word on the djx 700, if u hv used the djm500 or 600 and u think the djx 700 is a cheap solution u will be very disapointed.... i know my friend kinda isWinking my eye
User edit by H on 24-09-2005 @ 16:07:58 (1%)
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