Technics 1200MK2, problem w/ platter spining
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Twitch    posted on 04-08-2007 03:50
so i just bout an mk2 and i did becuse i have heard wonderful things about them, i bought it used becuse it is cheaper, it was working fine when i was checking it out and messing around with it, but now i have gotten it home and the platter will not spin, after i turn it on as soon as i hit start, it just sort of rocks back and forth, none of the lights flicker or anything, and the power remains on. has anyone ever seen anything like this or ever had anything like this happen to them? if so what did you do? can it be fixed and if so is it any easy fix or is it going to cost a good deal to do?

What do you think about Technics 1200MK2, problem w/ platter spining ??

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Luxx    posted on 04-08-2007 10:17
sounds like its jamming or something. if you are handy you should try and open te SL and try to fix it yourself. other solution is to go to a certified dealer
Lead    posted on 04-08-2007 11:58
If your sure that there is nothing underneath the platter it must be a technical mallfunction.

Does this describe the problem :

All LED's light up as usual, popup light is lit when popped out but the balls in the stroboscoop are 'bouncing' or at least not moving in a fluid direction.

If so : a problem might be in the drive control IC or in any of the electronics that sync the speed. This can only be solved by a technician who kows what he does. There is nearly nothing you can do when you have a slim knowledge of technical electronics.
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