I'm starting this threat because I've heard a lot of storys about the engine? problems but I didn't find anything on forums. The discussion is about the old models and? those who had a hard life in use... If you had a bad experience with? this please be free to talk about that (this is? a good? thing to know for those who want to buy second hand gear)
ok... this is what I've meet once : when I've started the turntable I've notice that the control light was blinking (some people told me that this was an example of an engine problem) what do you think about that ..did someone had this problem?
What do you think about old Technics MK2 engine problems ??
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No problems when I needed to play... I've seen lots of problem though as I've repaired lots of them... To my understanding blinking target light indicates a nearly broken targetlight.
If you see the red stroboscoop blinking, you definitly got a problem. Does te platter still rotates constantly ??
OK. Thanks ...At least I have something ..a clue anyway thanks...I will let you know when it will be done...
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