Need mixer Help.
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ninyo    posted on 03-07-2007 23:02
Hello. I am a house, trance, eurodance dj in canada. i need your opinions on what mixer i should get. i need a reiable one for clubs yet it also needs to be guud for sound production. i need the crossfader to be reliable and i need each chanel to have it's own equalizers (and kills). i also need the headphones to be loud enough for a club environment. i know im gonna get what i pay for but im looking for a reasonably priced unit. thnx in advance for your suggestions.

i also need xlr outs
Mod edit by W.i.M on 08-01-2011 15:34 (10%)

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Winston    posted on 04-07-2007 13:01
The club mixer you need is probabaly the DJM-800 from Pioneer. It has all your requirements.

But maybe you don't think this mixer has a reasonable price?

But welcome Canada.
Tic Toc
tairip    posted on 04-07-2007 13:05
There are a lot of mixers that have your requirements.

Dateq XTC / Vibe (dutch product)
Pioneer DJM-600 / DJM-800
Ecler NUO5

And a lot more....
User edit by tairip on 04-07-2007 @ 13:05:30 (5%)
Nvie    posted on 04-07-2007 13:10
Take a look in this topic. Most mixers do actually match your requirements.
stevew    posted on 04-07-2007 13:14
I would also choose for the DJM-800 from Pioneer. I have this mixer to and it has the XLR-master outputs as you asked for and it delivers Exellent sound quality and it reaches high output volumes. It's the best  mixer money can buy. It has Great effects also witch will make your sets much more entertaining!! you have my opinion..choose what you want 

TonyToneSabeh    posted on 05-07-2007 16:17
Definetely the Pioneer CDJ-1000MK3. I have two and they've been excellent to me. Lots of great features that I'm still learning about, lol and always improving mixes and playlists as you learn more about this incredible CD Player.
jannickv    posted on 05-07-2007 17:06
Definetely the Pioneer CDJ-1000MK3. I have two and they've been excellent to me. Lots of great features that I'm still learning about, lol and always improving mixes and playlists as you learn more about this incredible CD Player.

oh is the pioneer cdj-1000 mk3 a mixerConfusedConfusedConfused??
User edit by jannickv on 05-07-2007 @ 17:07:33 (100%)
ninyo    posted on 19-08-2007 16:38
thnxx for all of your advice.. the pioneer  mixers seem to have pretty damn short  but im looking into the denon x1500 mixer....can some1 tell me roughly how much it may costConfused cause i have no idea where to start looking for it...

oo and 'TonyToneSabeh'..thnx alott  for  your advice i think i may get the CDj1000mkII mixer..... it looks like u got  some more to learn...
baath    posted on 19-08-2007 16:42
Poster: ninyo
thnxx for all of your advice.. the pioneer mixers seem to have pretty damn short but im looking into the denon x1500 mixer....can some1 tell me roughly how much it may costConfused cause i have no idea where to start looking for it...

oo and 'TonyToneSabeh'..thnx alott for your advice i think i may get the CDj1000mkII mixer..... it looks like u got some more to learn...

the price of the denon x1500 is around the € 850
DeadPoolxl2k2    posted on 22-08-2007 21:38
i would agree with every 1 the pioneer djm 800 is a little pricey mixer but its really really good. myself ive got a pioneer djm 600 i like it its got effects its a 4 channel mixer it gets the job done. But the djm 800 is the mixer you allways see in clubs and all the pros use it so your choice but id go with the 800

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