CDJ 100 broken part
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stvlada    posted on 23-06-2007 15:25
As you can see, on first pic some little part was broken, and when you try to eject the disc, all that black part, which holding disc move down, and disc can't eject!
we must figure how to resolve the problem before party at that night!

we have try everything, nothing help, but...
we put on black part which holing disc, some money! yes money, in our country it is 20 dinara = 1/4 euro

stick that on the black part, and player work again Happy, laughing
soon I would upload and the movie, how to repair CDJ 100 in this case... Happy, laughing
User edit by stvlada on 23-06-2007 @ 15:37:01 (60%)

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