Technics MK2 1210 speed problem
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Bully    posted on 19-06-2007 16:15
Hi there! After a short circuit who burned plenty of fuses and made me some hard days ..I notice that I have another problem with my turntable ... a speed problem like the engine is not get the normal voltage and there is a fluctuation..I've notice that the strobe dots didn't show the pitch position (it is something like a cycle for 2 seconds is showing the pitch position for other 5 seconds isn't ) and this is available for every time I change the pitch? position... and also when I heard in headphones the signal is not quite alright . Another thing that I've noticed is that some of the electronic components are a little bit hot then normal. Does someone met this problem? I will appreciate some hints.


Mod edit by W.i.M on 08-01-2011 15:54 (2%)

What do you think about Technics MK2 1210 speed problem ??

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D-wan    posted on 19-06-2007 22:48
I have 2 Technics 1210 mk2's for five years now, and i never had any problems with them.
Maybe this can help you out... Although it's better to bring them to a prof. repair centre.

Good luck, grtz D-wan

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User edit by D-wan on 19-06-2007 @ 22:50:19 (95%)
Lead    posted on 19-06-2007 23:09
The sound output and the rotation of the platter are seperate things. The bad sound could be becasue bad needle/cartridge, bad connections from headshell to tonearm, bad or lose soldering at the circuitboard inside the arm or bad wiring.

The problee seems to me that the speed fluctuates a lot in a short time when playing. This can be because of a blown transistor or a defect in the Main Drive IC. Measure the voltages accoording to the service manual to isolate the component that gives you a problem...

If you don't know what I'm talking about: bring it to a repair shop Winking my eye
Let the BASS be louder
Bully    posted on 21-06-2007 09:45
Thanks a lot guys!

Lead: thanks mate ..I will start to measure the voltages .... thanks to your site I've got the repair manual  .... the problem is that in Romania isn't a professional repair center that's way I asked If someone meet this kind of will start to search for the defect and I will let you know when it will be fixed.

See ya!

Lead    posted on 21-06-2007 09:59
DJResource has the ability to supply you with official Technics Parts via our webshop. I can track down a part if you need it and have trouble finding it.
Let the BASS be louder
Bully    posted on 21-06-2007 13:52
Thanks Lead!

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