Flimsy tables on the DenonS500??
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the_ministry    posted on 14-01-2005 07:29
I like everything about the Denon CD Player, but Ive heard people say the tables feel kinda 'toy like'. I was watching a video off the Denon site and it looks alittle like the tables flex down abit when the DJ puts his hands on the top of the tables. Just wondering if anyone can comment on this.
User edit by W.i.M on 30-04-2005 @ 20:38:03 (7%)
Mod edit by Zen on 08-01-2011 19:03 (5%)

What do you think about Flimsy tables on the DenonS500?? ??

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Lead    posted on 14-01-2005 11:13
It's not as solid as you might be used to in comparisson to the SL1210 Turntables...
Let the BASS be louder
the_ministry    posted on 14-01-2005 17:41
I really wish there was a way to play MP3s on the Pioneer CDJ 1000MK2 But I hear it doesnt do that.
Lead    posted on 14-01-2005 18:00
nope, that's right. CDJ-1000(mk2) does NOT play mp3 discs.

But why would you play MP3 ?? 10 hours of music on 1 disc is very hard to remember where one specific track is. When I use MP3 tracks I burn them as audio on a disc which gives me usually about 15-20 tracks on a disc.
Let the BASS be louder
User edit by Lead on 14-01-2005 @ 18:03:21 (100%)
jordy    posted on 14-01-2005 18:41

let's put on number 634

the_ministry    posted on 14-01-2005 22:44
Yeah.. that does make sense. Thanks guys... By the way... What do you think about the Vestax CDX 5?
rasjr    posted on 02-06-2005 18:31
Hello Everyone!

The main use of the MP3 are not for Club DJ's (Club DJ's use Vinyl mostly, and if not that, audio cd's are the standard). They're mostly for the Mobile DJ's who happens to need more music styles in a CD. CD cases are also heavy when you gotta do a 70's party, an 80's on the next day and play hip hop in the club on saturday. It's hard.

MP3 is a resource, a technology to be used, like any other technology avaiable, that any player should have and must have, in my opinion. The new line of Car Stereos from Pioneer (for example) have only ONE model without MP3 support nowadays. I see the adoption of MP3 extention a inevitable fact. All brands are also turning to the same standard, because audio cd's are going out of fashion. However, massive devices does not play MP3 and that's why audio CD's are going to be with us for a long long time. Numark is creating a double-deck that has internal hard drive and USB 2.0 support, so as you can sincronize MP3 with your computer and also "upload" to the device your brand new MP3 files. Sounds like portability and versatility to me.

I organize my MP3's CD's by style, and i use 100 tracks per CD. I use a printed tracklist in each CD and i use a Palm Zire 71 to catalog those CD's, using Repligo 2.0 (from Cerience) to convert a Word file (tracklist.doc) to it, and when i need a track, i search tru it.

About the Denon DN-S500 Spinnin Platter:

It's a little bit loose, that's true, but it's not weird. It's just a matter of getting used to it. It's ok to use, trust me. It's seems toy-like because the platter is small and that's weird to look at it. I also bought denon because of the MAIN SIZE of it. Transportation would be less complicated when a device is not as big as a Technics SLDZ or CDX.

But the feeling of throwing the little disk into the mix is inquestionable nice.
SonicWalker    posted on 12-07-2005 01:47
Poster: Lead
But why would you play MP3 ?? 10 hours of music on 1 disc is very hard to remember where one specific track is. When I use MP3 tracks I burn them as audio on a disc which gives me usually about 15-20 tracks on a disc.

And that's only a question of a good user interface. I haven't seen one yet. Why not a player with an internal HD or DVD-R full with audio or mp3? I hate it, if I have two tracks which I want to mix on the same audio CD. Would be much better to have two mp3-CDRs, each with 100 tracks in two players. But maybe we don't need hardware (CD)-Player any longer and use the laptop instead. Well, this won't happen too soon yet, because your Pioneer doesn't run Windows, while your notebook does (mine doesn't but that doesn't keep Traktor from crashing either).

Lead    posted on 12-07-2005 02:06
You're right about the interface. with a nice text-driven interface you can handle it, but only small space is available on a desktop CD player so this will probably always be a compromise.

Computer have advances : Accurate waveform and overview in your playlist, but I don't that this shift will happen in the next few years though...
Let the BASS be louder
SonicWalker    posted on 12-07-2005 08:50
Look at the iPod. It as a small and very practical interface to browser through a large music collection.
User edit by SonicWalker on 12-07-2005 @ 08:52:13 (21%)

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