wanted to know if anyone overhere has used or has got the numark TT-1650, the reason why i have "chosen" these ones are coz they would be my first set of decks and i don't wanna splash out a lot of money. Another reason is that i'll be of to uni in september (hopefully), and since i won't be staying at home aswell... i don't really wanna have something expensive like 1200's with me. I know they aren't all that but since i have only had experience with CDTT and now i wanna move on to vinyl i thought it would be best not to spend to much money at first. Any suggestions, comments, ideas.....i'd be more than happy!
What do you think about To numark TT-1650 or not to numark TT-1650? ??
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A freind of mine has these... Although, they are DD, I just don't care for them. They are all plastic. They don't feel "real"...
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