Earthquake Turntable Stabilizer
  English Topics, DO NOT reply in other languages than English !  

Lead    posted on 26-09-2004 14:42
I've just added information about this tool to help you when playing on vinyl.

Rumble, hum, dancing people and wooden floors often give problems when using the old vinyl decks (hehehe, CD's don't have these probs Thumbs Up ). Everybody knows the orange Freefloats, but they are only an emergencu solution. The Earthquake is the more solid and professional way of dealing with these problems.

Read more information : Earthquake, the Turntable Stabilizer for Pro's.
Let the BASS be louder
User edit by W.i.M on 30-04-2005 @ 20:39:20 (1%)
Mod edit by Zen on 08-01-2011 19:07 (1%)

What do you think about Earthquake Turntable Stabilizer ??

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michelvandebeek    posted on 27-09-2004 16:17
From my personal experience I must conclude that freefloats are far superior to the Earthquakes.  I think there is a serious contruction / design flaw in the Earthquakes, as the suspended platform is not totally contact-isoloated from the ground. So if you are on an unstable stage, your fucked with Earthquakes and Freefloats will save your day.

During an event the organisator initially didn't want to use freefloats, so the DJ booth was set-up with earthquakes, but this didn't prevent rumble. When we put freefloats under the decks the was an average of 15 dB more gain before feedback, and more than 25dB on problem frequencies.

Freefloats are a bit more unstable, which might give problems with scratching. But there are easy ways of stabilizing them, without compromising the anti-rumble effect.
Lead    posted on 29-09-2004 20:12
My personal thoughts are  that the Earthquake is probably the better solution when it is used for installation purposes (allthoug a concrete DJ Booth is even better). When used on mobile installations (rental market) the Freefloats seems a better choise.

My personal favourite is the EarthQuake because I get crazy when my TT's are dancing
Let the BASS be louder
michelvandebeek    posted on 29-09-2004 20:27

The unstability of the freefloats is the reason quite a lot of DJs don't like using them. There is however a really easy way of stabilizing them. The idea is from Peter Gelderblom (owner of club revolution and a DJ himself), who at first really hated the freefloats because of the 'bouncing' of the decks.

He put the freefloats in his DJ booth, and surrounded the freefloat with thick foam. This stabilizes the freefloats, and so bouncing of the decks is not an issue any more. No DJ that played there has ever complained about bouncing or unstability. It's an easy trick and it works well, way better than the earthquakes did in his club.

Lead    posted on 29-09-2004 20:58
 Smart Idea !!!!

I think lots of people going to like this one !

I'll check if I can find the ingredients for this....  Logically it seems a good solution, but there's nothig like a practical test :D
Let the BASS be louder
Kiwi    posted on 29-09-2004 21:12
Poster: michelvandebeek

He put the freefloats in his DJ booth, and surrounded the freefloat with thick foam. This stabilizes the freefloats, and so bouncing of the decks is not an issue any more.


a stabilizer for a stablilizer......

we have another sollution.... 50mm thick MFD on tennisballs....

User edit by Lead on 03-10-2004 @ 18:27:16 (2%)
jordy    posted on 30-09-2004 23:08
 looks weird
Kiwi    posted on 01-10-2004 06:52
Poster: jordy
 looks weird

works good!
Lead    posted on 01-10-2004 08:59
Very smart solution !

Works accoording the same principle as the FreeFloat, but looks much nicer !
Let the BASS be louder
Kiwi    posted on 01-10-2004 13:44
Poster: Lead
Very smart solution !

Works accoording the same principle as the FreeFloat, but looks much nicer !

in the right collor: more professional!
michelvandebeek    posted on 01-10-2004 14:09
Have you done a comparison of Gain Before Feedback between your MDF on tennisballs solution and freefloat?

I have seen an article on the net where they compared several solutions. Freefloat came out best, your tennisball soluiton was tested as well. But did like 13 dB less GBF. So I am curious if you did some test yourself.
Kiwi    posted on 01-10-2004 17:22
How do you mean testing? bass level full and a needle on a record and waiting till resonanse??

The Freefloat system maybe the best sollution, but the most terrible to play on. Without anything (when possible) is the best sollution of all!
Kiwi    posted on 01-10-2004 17:52

Two German sollutions
User edit by Lead on 02-11-2004 @ 14:08:30 (4%)
michelvandebeek    posted on 02-10-2004 17:24
I agree with you that spinning on the (unstabilized) freefloat can be quite horrible if you like to scratch a lot.

At first a was very sceptic about the freefloat ... it is wobbly, and when I first used them (Paul Oakenfold in Paradiso), I still had some characteristic feedback, 120 & 300Hz, which are air-borne tone-arm resonances, to be exact. But when it saved a couple of gigs where the stages and Dj-booths where really bad (very prone to resonating, etc) my opinion gradually changed. And I am not the only one ... you might want to talk to Peter Gelderblom from Club Revolution. He hated the freefloats at first.

But for preventing feedback there is no better alternative, although rubberband suspension (if you know what you are doing) comes very close.
Lead    posted on 07-10-2004 22:48
Poster: michelvandebeek

The idea is from Peter Gelderblom (owner of club revolution and a DJ himself), who at first really hated the freefloats because of the 'bouncing' of the decks.

He put the freefloats in his DJ booth, and surrounded the freefloat with thick foam. This stabilizes the freefloats, and so bouncing of the decks is not an issue any more. No DJ that played there has ever complained about bouncing or unstability. It's an easy trick and it works well, way better than the earthquakes did in his club.


I couldn't resist.. I had a Freefloat to spare and just tried it :

Stabilized Freefloat with Foam !

Because not all foam has dried yet I will not be able to test this today, I would make my booth stickie with foam. A full detailed story of this project is almost completed...

And then for the final test... will it have effect to the effect of the freefloat (in comparisson to a freefloat without Foam Coating) ?

Possibly tommorrow I will be able to do a basic test.

Let the BASS be louder
User edit by Lead on 07-10-2004 @ 22:50:24 (5%)
michelvandebeek    posted on 08-10-2004 11:50
Oops ... this mess happens when dutch are trying to communicate in english.

The foam I was talking about is the foam (inlays) used in DJ coffins. Just like turntables are surrounded with those inlays, you can also surround the freefloat.
NiGhtOwl    posted on 08-10-2004 12:23

Maybe nice idea for a new topic? : "How to f*ck up Freefloats"

I will nail one to my booth
Lead    posted on 08-10-2004 14:35

Whahahaha :D LOL !!!!

In Dutch this could be interpreted as the same... Anyway, I'm going to test my Freefloat this evening and post my findings in a topic this weekend.....

Stiekem had ik het wel begrepen, maar zoals het er nu naar uitziet lijkt deze oplossing ook te werken.... En eigenlijk loop ik al een maand te zoeken naar een toepassing voor die bus pur-schuim die ik in de kast had staan.... Ik was juist zo blij dat ik uit je bericht kon begrijpen dat ik hier die bus voor kon gebruiken.

Die bus was een overblijfsel van de 2 jaar die ik in mijn huisje aan het verbouwen ben geweest... Ik wilde dit altijd al ergens tussen spuiten en eindelijk heb ik het doen gevonden LOL

Let the BASS be louder
User edit by Lead on 08-10-2004 @ 14:37:36 (100%)
W.i.M    posted on 08-10-2004 20:57

Die is echt goed

Maar misschien heb je wel een nieuwe uitvinding.
Pur-schuim voor Freefloats.
Waarom lees je dit nu eigenlijk ?
jordy    posted on 08-10-2004 23:40
ziet er in elk geval heel FOUT uit
jordy    posted on 08-10-2004 23:44
ik krijg steeds YOU CANNOT MODERATE te zien als ik wil editten ?

was dit er vergeten bij te zetten:

en toen had Jeroen a.K.a. Lead de Ultieme oplossing gemaakt
W.i.M    posted on 09-10-2004 00:49
Als er bugs zijn maak dan even een topic aan in :
Dj-Resource Related

Dit is makkelijker om over bugs te discusseren
Waarom lees je dit nu eigenlijk ?
User edit by W.i.M on 09-10-2004 @ 00:51:36 (31%)
Lead    posted on 03-11-2004 00:42
En hier is dan de Freefloat Fuckup Trick :


Let the BASS be louder
User edit by Lead on 03-11-2004 @ 00:42:57 (6%)
DjSiLvErMoRoS    posted on 03-12-2004 03:51
hahaha ja heb em geleze ziet er nie uit en et is zonde
Lead    posted on 03-12-2004 09:42
Hihi.... ziet er niet uit, maar werkt wel ! Winking my eye
Let the BASS be louder
W.i.M    posted on 03-12-2004 21:19
Ik zie nog 1 onaangetast exemplaar onder de andere draaitafel
Waarom lees je dit nu eigenlijk ?

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