Rotating or NON-rotating platter (2/2)
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Poll : Rotating or NON-rotating platter ?

-Rotating platter
-NON-rotating platter

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W.i.M    posted on 04-09-2004 19:03
What do you prefer ?

A cd-player with a rotating platter or?a NON-rotating platter ?

Let's hear your vote !!
Waarom lees je dit nu eigenlijk ?
User edit by W.i.M on 30-04-2005 @ 20:29:22 (1%)
Mod edit by Zen on 08-01-2011 18:54 (8%)

What do you think about Rotating or NON-rotating platter ??

Vote :   

Prozei    posted on 12-11-2005 00:04
i think the problem with the most vinyl dj's who are using a cd-player with a non rotating platter is that they are used tho sweep the platter.
the dj bends the correction to far and will get a upbeat.

i'm still prefering a non rotating platter on a cd-player.
why make it rotatin when u got accurater contole when it doesn't rotate.
for turntabelism i think a rotating platter is better.

and iff i want to scratch i will use my vinyl.
however the numark cdx is perfect for turntablism.
and denon made a good 3500 but i'll stay with pioneer
its still the best cd-player for mixing records

User edit by Prozei on 12-11-2005 @ 00:13:27 (41%)
teddyaakre    posted on 04-04-2006 00:01
I like the pioneer because I believe that its a lot more accurate, because instead of you breaking the platter speed when mixing, i think its a lot easier to beatmatch when you the platter doesnt spin..

(P.S i don't scratch much, so i have no opinion on that)

Camino    posted on 04-04-2006 00:06
non-rotating for me as well - don't know how to qualify my decision yet i'm pretty firm where i stand - guess its just about personal preference
Laidback    posted on 04-04-2006 03:48
NON-Rotation JOG Wheel..

for me is Vinyl mode just an Extra (for Backspins , Scratches etc..)

victorn    posted on 04-04-2006 11:20
As I already stated in another topic: the rotating platter on Denon players can be stopped by a simple push of a dedicated (no double function-) button. After that, you can pitch bend by turning the platter by hand, Pioneer style.

This works on all Denons with active platter: DN-S3000, 5000 and 3500.

DJ_Inspiration    posted on 04-04-2006 11:29
Yep, like victorn says.

With a Denon, you can choose a rotating or a non-rotating platter.
With a Pioneer you only have a non-rotating platter.

When you like to spin like vinyl, you put on the rotating platter with the press of 1 button.
When you rather like to spin like Pioneer, you just turn it off.

I have 2 DN-S3000's and I love them and I also like Pioneer.
It doesn't matter for me, a real DJ can play with all gear.

User edit by DJ_Inspiration on 04-04-2006 @ 11:29:44 (1%)
teddyaakre    posted on 09-04-2006 19:24
I change my mind about the spinning platters... they are quite impressive after all... I tried the denon 3500, and i liked what i saw.. It was smooth and it had no digital distortion when scratching...

Good job Denon, but i still like the cdj's more Happy, laughing
Zuur    posted on 09-04-2006 23:51
For scratching: Rotating.

For normal mixing: I don't mind.

I prefer pitch bend buttons for making corrections. I don't understand why Pioneer didn't put them on the 800mk2 / 1000mk3.

It's the best way of making corrections.

I own 2 Denon S3500. Last week played for the first time on a 800, but a bit to short to make a good judgement. But I really mist the pitch bend buttons

Winston    posted on 10-04-2006 02:42
If you have a turntable background I can imagine that you prefer a big rotating platter such as on the Numark CDX or Technics SL-DZ 1200.

The small rotating platter of the Denons is just for the looks, because it's not the same size it doesn't offer the exact same handling capabilities of a truntable. Nothing said that it is not a good player.

If you have a CD player background then a non rotating platter is the best thing. Also the Numark iCDX which I see as the successor of the CDX and HDX has a non rotating platter. But I would like the jog bigger then on the Pioneers or Numark Axis models.

Tic Toc
Lead    posted on 10-04-2006 08:53
I have a vinyl history and I am in fabor of CDJ's... So it doesn't have to have something to do with it Winking my eye
Let the BASS be louder
DJ-Emotion    posted on 10-04-2006 11:45
Poster: Lead
I have a vinyl history and I am in fabor of CDJ's... So it doesn't have to have something to do with it Winking my eye

Me 2!
15 years of Vinyl experience
My Uppinion?
A non rotating platter is the best.
Simple, the "pitch bend" funktion of a non rotating platter
is more equal/stable than with a rotating platter or Turntable.

User edit by DJ-Emotion on 10-04-2006 @ 11:46:17 (1%)
victorn    posted on 10-04-2006 15:17
Poster: DJ-Emotion
A non rotating platter is the best.
Simple, the "pitch bend" funktion of a non rotating platter
is more equal/stable than with a rotating platter or Turntable.

You didn't read my post 6 posts up, did you?

Winston    posted on 10-04-2006 18:04
I meant if you're in love with vinyl. There are people that are you know. So don't say bad things, because they will feel hurt.
Tic Toc
Winston    posted on 10-04-2006 18:04
I meant if you're in love with vinyl. There are people that are you know. So don't say bad things, because they will feel hurt.
Tic Toc
Ramon72    posted on 10-04-2006 21:26
I love non-rotating vinyl!

Seriously: I voted for a rating platter
Steev    posted on 10-04-2006 21:38
I love vinyl, so i love a roating platter :D

By the way, i have only 2 turntables, so their always roating :p
User edit by Steev on 10-04-2006 @ 21:38:13 (1%)
dion    posted on 11-04-2006 16:58
non-rotating just like the cdj's from pioneer i lover it better then al that spinning it's making me crazy if i go for a spin

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