500€ mixers Pioneer or Numark
  English Topics, DO NOT reply in other languages than English !  

bytension    posted on 31-10-2006 15:22

Hi all!

The response to the topic is Pioneer (In first instance, for sure) so, i wanna change my home equipment and i don,t wana expend money over 500? for the mixer.

My options: Pioneer DJM-400 or Numark FX-5000

Everybody knows that Numark mixers are a badly toy compared to Pioneer Mixers so, the FX500 haves XLR outputs (I do not need it for home use) and more channels & channels.

I heard that this is a exception in Numark bad quality tradition, so i need to decide if this Unit or the new DJM 400.

Anybody had tried the Numark mixer?

PD. I looked for the Synq SMX 2 son, nobody tried it....nobody?

Mod edit by W.i.M on 08-01-2011 15:56 (1%)

What do you think about 500€ mixers Pioneer or Numark ??

Vote :   

HouseArrest    posted on 31-10-2006 15:27
Well, actually some people on this forum do have the SMX-2. Maby you should pm them for a personal review or some?

About the choice of the DJM-400 and de FX-5000.

You realy should think in yourself what you need:

-Do you need 2 channels or more? Can you do it with 2 channels?
-Is this a mixer that I can use for long time, and not one that you will sell next year.
-Take a look at some reviews on this site or some webshops.
-Compare some specifications from the mixers.
-And one of the most inportand thing is: What mixer do you think it is the best for you? Try them out in some stores and compare your discoveries.

And you can make some more questions yourself!

Good luck :D
Sammow    posted on 31-10-2006 15:29
i got the Synq SMX.1, it's not the same as the SMX.2  but the difference can't be too big Happy, laughingni'm very happy with ith; smooth faders, easy effects
bytension    posted on 31-10-2006 15:46


 Thank you for your response, 

 Yes, i don,t need XLR,  booth out, etc...for the home and some private parties use , so i think "Well, you,ll spend 500€...and you can get more for the same money, even you think you,ll  probably never use it". the definitively question is "Is a good idea buying a Numark mixer instead Pioneer,s DJM400 thinking on these extra features?.

Belive me, i readed a lot of reviews of these mixers and the problem is that (surprising me) the Numark has a good feedback (the question is that i can,t belive it  ). And i,m looking for other objetive recommendations for this decission.

Buy Numark at my risk or buy Pionner for quality guaranty with less features.

Anyway i,ll look in this forum for more reviews and opinnions.

I,ll look for Synq smx2 users for a review (is a misterious mixer for me....so it looks great!)

Thank you again!

bytension    posted on 31-10-2006 15:48

Please tell me more about the Synq pleeease! I never founded a review of the synq mixers!

Jer    posted on 01-11-2006 07:44
http://www.aboutdj.nl/content/view/398/8/ this site has a revieuw about the synq smx2
sorry its in dutch
User edit by Jer on 01-11-2006 @ 07:45:37 (22%)
DJ_SEVEN_7_    posted on 24-02-2007 03:27
If ya have the cash!

Numark is not an option!

DJM 400/800/909/1000 - The best mixers on the planet!

Vibemaster-D    posted on 24-02-2007 10:11

i should chose the DJM400. the inside part of the mixers is very better than the numark.
Lead    posted on 24-02-2007 10:47
You are comparing a 4 channel semi-pro mixer (5000FX) with a 2 channel home mixer (DJM-400).

The build quality of the DJM overrules the Numark, but the numark has more channels, balanced output, more effects...

DJM gives you functionality, some effects like his big brother... if 2 channels is enough, I would buy the (cheaper) DJM. If you need the channels, booth or balanced outputs -> go for the Numark.
Let the BASS be louder
Laidback    posted on 24-02-2007 13:06
wow.. thats a Big Comparrison..

the pioneer would be better in Sound Kwal.
the Numark has more channels  & Way more effects,.

i would go for the numark..
just cause it has more channels..
and i need more then 2 channels)
olso allways handy!.. the more channels.. te more usefull it gets..
My opinion.

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