The strongest DJ headphones (2/2)
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Winston    posted on 27-10-2006 00:21
Ok, ok, ok; we already know all that the Sennheiser HD-25SP is the strongest and most durable DJ headphone. The Technics HP-DJ1200 is maybe on the second place.

But do you think there are more strong, (meaning it will stand bends and twists), and durable, (meaning it will last a very long time),?DJ headphones on the market.

The rules are as follows:
Must have drivers larger than 40 mm.
No new headphones -?must be released?more than 1 year ago by the manufacturer.
Must have at least 1 extra movement possibility?compared to?normal consumer models (for instance?rotateble or swivel earcups).
Tic Toc
Mod edit by W.i.M on 08-01-2011 15:56 (7%)

What do you think about The strongest DJ headphones ??

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tairip    posted on 20-03-2007 23:26
Poster: Lead
Pioneer SE-450 is definitly the most durable and reliable set of headphones. I used 1 pair (allthough modified) for over 6 years and only replaced the coushens once !

And even now, over 14 years after purchase I sometime use it, just for 'old times sake' :D


Nice headphone, I've got one as well!
Mine is modded too just like Lead's headphone (when I saw Lead's) only with a MDR-V700 coiled cable (the MDR did break very easy so I  could use that coil for a legendary headphone!).


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