mixing with cd and vinyl
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Fei    posted on 18-10-2006 14:08
ive been stuck trying to figure out if i should get the denon dns3500 or the pioneer cdj800.? my only problem is, i dont scratch or do anything like that, i mix trance and breakbeat...i tried playing with both decks today and im not used to touching the platter and having it stop the music on me.? with records, sometimes u have to slow the record down or speed it up by hand which means i have to touch the record, but with the cd decks it just seems when i touch the platterm its very sensitive, and?the cd stops spinning.??im wondering if there is a way to slow down a cd manually like one would have to do with a record to keep it in sync with another record, smd csm it be done on the cd decks?without making the cd stop. i still plan on using vinyls in addition having a cd deck.? which cd deck mixes better with vinyls and which deck is better, the denons dns3500or the pioneer cdj800mk2?
Mod edit by W.i.M on 08-01-2011 16:02 (5%)

What do you think about mixing with cd and vinyl ??

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greup    posted on 18-10-2006 14:18
topic is dubbel

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