SL-DZ1200 news... (3/4)
  English Topics, DO NOT reply in other languages than English !  

Dogg    posted on 10-06-2004 18:31
Now... I'm convinced... I'll order 2 of them... Happy, laughing

Dear Technics customers. Thank you very much for this fantastic website and offcourse thank you for purchasing our Technics SL-DZ1200.
I must say I am very pleased with all your comments and critisism. Please take into account that we will watch closely your comments and study them thorougly.
As I read lots of messages there is a lot of misunderstanding. First of all Pioneer, Denon and other brands make good products too. However we designed not a CD player but a digital SL1200 turntable. Our succes with DJ equipment started 30 years ago with 3 major points. Quality, liability, and durability. You can be absolutly sure we will continue this trend undoubtly with DZ.
The software inside is designed to be updated if necessary. That can be easily done by SD memory card. I have updated my first prototypes from october 2003 and it is a very easy and user friendly way to accomplish. Please do not worry about this issue.
Just because it is a new product some 'enemy's' will try to find issues. However when you buy a new car you will also find some things that are different then the car you had before. E.g. perhaps your former car had a shorter rotation circle, other seats etc.. What I am trying to say is, have faith in this fantastic new machine and you certainly will get used by it rapidly!! Just like everything else.
Your comments will be appreciated very much.
Thank you for your time reading my message.
M.J.T. Ibes
Product Sales Manager Technics DJ Gear
User edit by W.i.M on 30-04-2005 @ 20:32:19 (3%)
Mod edit by Zen on 08-01-2011 19:01 (1%)

What do you think about SL-DZ1200 news... ??

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Lead    posted on 04-08-2004 00:39
hehehehehe... Nice thing to here though :D
Let the BASS be louder
boomer    posted on 08-08-2004 04:37
Lead    posted on 08-08-2004 11:14
huh ?? nothing more to say Confused
Let the BASS be louder
jordy    posted on 15-08-2004 14:55

can anyone help me out? i'm looking for a digital-turntable and have been looking arround here asswell for a while (member since 2day)... but i'm getting tired of sldz rocks  and 2 pixels further ppl tell it sux ... i'd like to check it out for myself but don't know where.. i live in Eindhoven, anyone got a nearby shop who has the sldz and cdj1000mkII?

Lead    posted on 15-08-2004 17:38
Check out : Conijn Muziek on the Generaal Bothastraat -> . Just walk to the right back of the shop and you'll find your players.

If you want to know for sure that both models are in the showroom, you could give them a call.
Let the BASS be louder
Dogg    posted on 15-08-2004 17:51
Hmmm... If you're ready to make it to Brussels, I'll be glad to show you those gears within at least 2 shops... (taking to TGV from Amsterdam it's 90min. away)
The thing is that things will be more and more obvious to you if you do use both decks a long time...

I'm not a reseller so I don't know which things need to be tested on the first time... that said one thing is sure... all the criticisms received by the Technics decks are justified as I was able to reproduced them with ease when using them... I did get the CDJ1000mk2 and SLDZ at home several days... and guess which one did stay at home and did get another mate (with a similar look )... the CDJ

Don't get me wrong..., you can mix, you can even scratch with Technics, but until now I prefer to do it on a CDJ.
I didn't choose the Numark as when looking at it, it feels really bulky (i.e. huge) and the platter is 10 times bigger that the screen and the control panel (plus other things)... and I really think that despite the fact that you can adapt... the layout of your deck is important... it is just showing you how careful designers were when building the deck...
John_Bee    posted on 15-08-2004 23:08

Good demo. Especially i liked scratch on mp3 cd.
But. . . But. . .
Some people have tested this player. It has big trouble with adjustment of speed. Constructive defect.
It does not have spindle. Very sensitive platter at once stops playing after pressing. As consequence, speed adjustment is not available.
Lead    posted on 16-08-2004 08:40

Seems like a nice demo, but you can't judge sound quality on it, the quality of the movie file is very low. I can only see someone making scrastches and it looks nice, but frankly I cannot see well what he's doing and if it sounds the way it should be...

Let the BASS be louder
ImpacT    posted on 17-08-2004 23:38
Dogg how much did you pay for your CDJ1000mk2 a piece ?? Did you mayb tested the Denon S5000 perhaps?? I'm gonna try to test both 3 players in a store. Cause i just can't believe the Technics sounds so fucking bad. I saw another movie where the Technics sounded really good. I'll upload it and post the link asap. Anyone got any big reviews about those 3 ??
ImpacT    posted on 18-08-2004 00:04
Oki here is another movie about Technics Sldz1200 now the song is the same. But the sounds are much better sundenly. Dunno anything about pich or some. Link :
User edit by ImpacT on 18-08-2004 @ 00:04:55 (10%)
Dogg    posted on 18-08-2004 02:25
Poster: ImpacT
Dogg how much did you pay for your CDJ1000mk2 a piece ?? Did you mayb tested the Denon S5000 perhaps??

I'm gonna try to test both 3 players in a store. Cause i just can't believe the Technics sounds so fucking bad. I saw another movie where the Technics sounded really good. I'll upload it and post the link asap.

Anyone got any big reviews about those 3 ??

Hi ImpacT,

I didn't try the Denon ones... the only ones I've tried is the Numark CDX, The Technics SL-DZ1200, the Pioneer CDJ800, The CMX3000 and the CDJ1000mk2...
As you might I'm new to CD gears and I've been lucky enough to be able to try the Technics and the CDJ1000mk2 at home for several days...

Despite the fact that I did prefer the Technics at the begining due to its look, I must confess that within 30 min. the Pioneer did convince me (hands down!)
Everything did sound perfect and as it should sound (just like the perfection feeling )... for the Technics that's another story (I simply didn't feel at ease with them, next to the Pioneer the SLDZ appeared as being less rugged, less "reliable") (just like the difference you could get between a sl1200mk2 and a jbsystem turntable... ok here I might be overstating )

I did pay ?1030 without VAT for each deck + a ?125 rebate as I did pay within 8 days following my order...

Please do not get me wrong, I'm pretty sure that you can do amazing things with the Technics, but none of those things can't be done with the Pioneer and should I state once again that Pioneer is the industry standard in that field  and last but not least when you're about to pay ?2500 for CD gears the only thing you're looking at is the BEST... In my humble opinion, that's what I did choose.

Concerning the Numark, they did impress me the first time I've used them, but it appears as not being as reliable as Pioneer or even Technics... moreover it's ergonomically far from being perfect.

To conclude, let me state this, since the first day I've started DJing (1990) I've always seen Technics as turntables king, I've been really disappointed to see they were no more above the crowd in the CD field, they were even below a brand like Numark... (really!)... hey I guess that's something we call EVOLUTION

One last advice, please try all the decks that you would like to buy, only trust your judgement... this is the best way not to regret your next buy... Enjoy (Even if you choose Denon or Technics we can still be friends... you know just like an Alqueeda terrorist and an American )
User edit by Dogg on 18-08-2004 @ 02:28:21 (3%)
Dogg    posted on 18-08-2004 03:16
One last thing...
Since DJ A-L video has propagated on the net like a plague, we didn't hear a single word from Technics officials to mention that what we've heard was an problem, an issue or a faulty unit...

Not a single word...

And all the people that did try the SLDZ, did confirm what was happening with the "pitch" being locked on... is true.
Please listen to DJ A-L video once again... you'll notice that even having the pitch lock on feature turned off, you still hear some digital artefacts...

Go to your DJ shop with the same CD (Usher-Yeah Single), you'll noticed it immediately... do the same thing on a Numark, Denon or a Pioneer... no digital artefact at all...

Hear my words... not a single word from Technics...

From a marketing point of view, even if your product is faulty, that's UNFORGIVABLE ====>>> No respect for the DJ community! (the one that did make them rich )
User edit by Dogg on 18-08-2004 @ 03:16:31 (1%)
vinylisgroovy    posted on 18-08-2004 05:41

Hello DJs! 

It's hard for me to believe that the new SLDZs are as bad as people say.  Unfortunately, I haven't had the chance to try them myself to form my own opinion so I have to go by other people's reviews.  But I still can't believe it!!!

Lead    posted on 18-08-2004 08:26
Dogg : True... amen. Watever happend to the SLDZ doesn't matter, they should be open to their customers and at least say something about it... now they're just unreachable for comment, or the people that got to the phone don't know what they're tlaking about .

Let the BASS be louder
Lead    posted on 18-08-2004 18:42

I found something new this afternoon on the SL-DZ1200...

When slowing it down just a little bit (imagine that the tracks is ahead just a very little bit) it doesn't seem to slow down. This is quit weird because the dots on the platter slow down, but it doesn't seem to slow down the track. This is only when a real minor pitchbend is done, but that's just the finishing touch to it

Does anybody else notices this ??

Let the BASS be louder
W.i.M    posted on 18-08-2004 19:24
@Dogg :

About the communication of Technics about the DJ-scandal movie
is not smart for not saying anything.

But don't forget that not far after that, the promotion movie
of technics appear.  
Waarom lees je dit nu eigenlijk ?
User edit by W.i.M on 18-08-2004 @ 19:24:40 (13%)
Dogg    posted on 18-08-2004 22:44
 there's no need for us to be so mean to them... after all we aren't Technics users (for CD gears)
ImpacT    posted on 19-08-2004 02:21
Well, i went to a DJ-store today, tested the CDJ-800 & CDJ-1000MK2, the Newmark thingy, the Denon S3000. And i must say... omfg for the two pioneer. Really i thought the Denon maybe would be better but it just sounds crappy Unhappy, the motor isn't really strong, and just doesn't feel right. The Numark, well for scratch it owns but... well for me it just was to fucking bigg, just didn't liked it. After that i did like an half an hour on both pioneer CDJ's and damd that 800 is so nice, then i switched to the 1000MK2 well that was like the 800 so liked it very much too and then add all the cool things on it :p like the cool cue feature on te left side of the CD-player, damd it just owns. Only don't know if it so smart for me to buy and 1000MK2 allready, i just started DJ-ing and maybe just beginning on something a bit simpler like the 800 would be better. Any advice maybe? But I'm going back to the store next week or so.. to make up final desicion Happy, laughing. But it will be a Pioneer for sure, damd it just rocks !!! And IMO an advantage, that the platter doens't rotate because.. you motor can't get broken then so... one problem you never have to worry about.
ImpacT    posted on 19-08-2004 02:24
Poster: Wim
@Dogg :

About the communication of Technics about the DJ-scandal movie
is not smart for not saying anything.

But don't forget that not far after that, the promotion movie
of technics appear.
  The only thing that I find strange is that Dave Clarck just bought himself 2 technics players and will start to use them from now on. But they just suck :s, he'll notice that too, so why does a well respected DJ choose something like that Confused Oki the problem prolly is software but, when i felt the Technics in the store it just didnt felt right.. was plastic like.. dunno.. This wasn't really the quality you expect from this kinda brand...
Lead    posted on 19-08-2004 09:54
Perhaps Dave Clark's  got , besides the SL-DZ's, also a bag of money from Technics... this could be a sponsor deal... It should be to baad, but this could be a possibility

Between the 1000MK2 and the 800 is an easy choice : if your budget allows it, just go for the MK2. You will not regret this !

Let the BASS be louder
ImpacT    posted on 19-08-2004 12:00
Well I got the budget for an MK2 but, then the budget is empty. If i buy a 800 i could buy also a nice headphone and a mixer. And also... the price difference is much higher, i could cut a deal with the dealer of the store.. for the 800 and that way i wouldn't have to go to Germany to get it. So... i'll prolly choose the 800. It *rocks* also Happy, laughing and i know for sure i won't regret buying it Happy, laughing
Lead    posted on 19-08-2004 15:40
That's for sure, you won't regret the cdj-800 !!!
Let the BASS be louder
trancegroove    posted on 25-04-2005 05:11
Wow this is the best stuff I've read on sldz vs 800/1000.  It was like a nice little book.  I'm fairly new to djing (but not to the music) and I have a dz1200 and I thought I was going to get a second one.  But I thought I would try to find some good comparison reviews.  I ran into this website and then I saw the light! not that light the other one....<---yeah that light.

At first I was attracted to the dz1200 because it was a technics and it looked cool.  What a retarded thing to do.  I thought with technics i couldn't go wrong.  I am the product of good technics marketing.

I went to the shop today with a CD in hand and tested Pioneer 800 and 1000....and now I know why you guys like the cdj's.  They are awesome....sweet....incredible.  I thought the moving platter was necessary for realistic vinyl simulation...which it doesn't hurt to have, but I really really like the way pioneer has arranged the jog dial/platter.  It's beautifully done.  I'm disappointed in myself for buying the dz1200 without more in depth knowledge. 

I have a nice new djm-600 coming in next week and then i will budget for a 1000.   man I can't wait!!!!   *does a little happy dance*

Lead    posted on 25-04-2005 09:21
If you would go for the CDJ-1000mk2's you might want to check this out :

(but this is off-topic Winking my eye )

Technics SL-DZ1200 was the topic :D
Let the BASS be louder
User edit by Lead on 26-04-2005 @ 03:05:31 (62%)
trancegroove    posted on 26-04-2005 02:30
Dank Lead

For some reason when you click on that MMC link above it says it can not find it.....

but I just copied and pasted it into the address bar and it worked

But the back to topic.....the DZ1200 isn't really too just doesn't provide the high-end user experience as I believe it should. But honestly, I really wouldn't have know the issues (since I'm not a professional equipment user), until I started reading reviews like this one.

But one major thing that I noticed was how sensitive the platter's more sensitive than I believe most people would prefer.

Another issue I see is the dynamic effects. I almost think this button should have never been put on the dz1200. Maybe I haven't played around with it enough, but it seems to quiet down the overall volume if you use Crush ring or ring storm just to bring in the effect. And it doesn't seem like you can manipulate the either play the effect or don't play it.

User edit by trancegroove on 26-04-2005 @ 02:47:02 (100%)
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