SL-DZ1200 news... (1/4)
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Dogg    posted on 10-06-2004 18:31
Now... I'm convinced... I'll order 2 of them... Happy, laughing

Dear Technics customers. Thank you very much for this fantastic website and offcourse thank you for purchasing our Technics SL-DZ1200.
I must say I am very pleased with all your comments and critisism. Please take into account that we will watch closely your comments and study them thorougly.
As I read lots of messages there is a lot of misunderstanding. First of all Pioneer, Denon and other brands make good products too. However we designed not a CD player but a digital SL1200 turntable. Our succes with DJ equipment started 30 years ago with 3 major points. Quality, liability, and durability. You can be absolutly sure we will continue this trend undoubtly with DZ.
The software inside is designed to be updated if necessary. That can be easily done by SD memory card. I have updated my first prototypes from october 2003 and it is a very easy and user friendly way to accomplish. Please do not worry about this issue.
Just because it is a new product some 'enemy's' will try to find issues. However when you buy a new car you will also find some things that are different then the car you had before. E.g. perhaps your former car had a shorter rotation circle, other seats etc.. What I am trying to say is, have faith in this fantastic new machine and you certainly will get used by it rapidly!! Just like everything else.
Your comments will be appreciated very much.
Thank you for your time reading my message.
M.J.T. Ibes
Product Sales Manager Technics DJ Gear
User edit by W.i.M on 30-04-2005 @ 20:32:19 (3%)
Mod edit by Zen on 08-01-2011 19:01 (1%)

What do you think about SL-DZ1200 news... ??

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W.i.M    posted on 10-06-2004 20:58
Convinced by a pep talk from the Product Sales Manager himself ?

It takes a lot more to convince me than just a letter from the Manager.

Sure I'm willing to believe this because of the ownership of two Technics SL1210 myself
but I have to play with it before I can judge the player
Waarom lees je dit nu eigenlijk ?
Dogg    posted on 10-06-2004 22:43
Well... if the product manager is telling me that the firmware is upgradable and that the pitch lock issue can be solved by an update... why shouldn't I believe him?
Of course... there's no better proof than checking the device by yourself... which would take some time before the update is ready...

I do need 2 gears now... what should I do... go for CDJ1000mk2 or SL-DZ1200... I can't even sleep normally anymore Happy, laughing
That's tough... tough...
W.i.M    posted on 10-06-2004 22:52
I have half of your problem. I want one player but first I want to check the SL-DZ1200 before choosing a player.
But I can sleep normally so I can wait a bit longer before buying one.

The letter I want to believe to, but I cannot judge the player from a piece of paper. I haven't played with it yet but that will come very soon.

Waarom lees je dit nu eigenlijk ?
Lead    posted on 11-06-2004 08:32

Just look very carefull when you're about to purchase !

- Sound quality scratch : I don't know how much bit processors they use, but that's an issue that connot be solved with a firmware update. that needs a hardware improvement. When KeyLock is switched of you can hear digital clicks, with KeyLock switched on you don't know what's happening.

- Display is not big : Displays the crucial information, but nothing more and all packed on a small area.

- The plate (the shiny thing on top of the platter) is not tight, but very loose, there's about 1,5 - 2 mm of space between that plate and the platter so it just feels like a record with a too big center hole.

- I found more, but it's up to you if you're bothered by other things aswell.... I don't want to purely flame the SLDZ because it just looks so nice LOL but you should know what to look for when you're in the shop.

Let the BASS be louder
Dogg    posted on 11-06-2004 23:52
Don't worry... I'll try it first...
Anyway, I'll head to the CDJ1000mk2 if I'm not convinced... at least with that one I know what I'm buying...
The only thing is that the jog isn't spinning... I guess I'll get use to it very quickly...

The final thought might be that a CD gear isn't a turntable and will never be... so if you're looking for some turntable features... go and buy a turntable... end of story.
Lead    posted on 12-06-2004 10:33
In your last sentence there is a lot of truth Happy, laughing

I do not thing that a rotating jogwheel (or Platter) is a big disadvantage. When you make a pitch correction on a Turntable you'll need to sweep the platter forward or reverse. There are 2 instable factors : the rotating platter and you're moving hand. Once you're used to the feeling (after a few month) you'll get the hang of it and know how hard you have to sweep to make a certain pitch correction. But even when you're very used to this type of mixing you overdo the sweep once in a while.

With a non-rotating jogwheel you can put your finger on the jogwheel en gently steer the beat  to get the beats matched. There are no instable factors in this last methode and you can put the beats right on top of eachother without over doing a sweep or break.

I personally think that you can work more precize with a non-rotating platter and make better pitch corrections. I have a certain feeling that I play more accurate with the CDJ's than with vinyl decks.....
Let the BASS be louder
Dogg    posted on 12-06-2004 13:53
I've just tried the SL-DZ1200 and f..k... fu.. I'm 80% disappointed. It simply look cheap and non reliable...
Just touching at the Start button, it is looking like SL1200 Start button, but with a plastic feeling... for a ?1300 gear, that's unacceptable...
End of story, there will be no Technics for me...

I was impressed by the Numark CDX1, despite the fact that it has a funky layout, it's rugged, heavy... just like a "turntable" should be..., and in terms of feeling it is way ahead of SL-DZ1200s

That's it... I'm gonna buy 2 CDJ1000 mk2... well done Pioneer Happy, laughing 
Lead    posted on 12-06-2004 15:00
Let the BASS be louder
Dogg    posted on 15-06-2004 00:02
Lead    posted on 15-06-2004 00:37

Nice demo !

They speak about truth..... both movies are true...

Let the BASS be louder
W.i.M    posted on 15-06-2004 22:55

Waarom lees je dit nu eigenlijk ?
Dogg    posted on 16-06-2004 19:22

I did order my gears today, I should get them on Saturday...2 brand new CDJ1000 mk2
(Sorry for those who thought that I might go to the Technics shop...)

User edit by Dogg on 16-06-2004 @ 19:22:33 (1%)
Lead    posted on 16-06-2004 22:36

Welcome to the Family hehe...

Be sure to check the topic about the MMC Merger to gain maximum benifit of your MMC. I use it all the time and it just rocks. Merge all your Cue Points in a few secs

Let the BASS be louder
User edit by Lead on 16-06-2004 @ 22:36:25 (2%)
Mod edit by Lead on 28-12-2005 09:29 (3%)
Dogg    posted on 18-06-2004 00:22
Thanks for the tip!
Dogg    posted on 18-06-2004 00:22
Thanks for the tip!
W.i.M    posted on 18-06-2004 16:12
Poster: Dogg

I did order my gears today, I should get them on Saturday...2 brand new CDJ1000 mk2
(Sorry for those who thought that I might go to the Technics shop...)


How could you ?

now seriously, that are two fine players you won't regret buying.
Waarom lees je dit nu eigenlijk ?
Dogg    posted on 23-06-2004 20:03
Guys... I'm kinda sad... there's a Pioneer Belgium shortage... do have to wait for 2 weeks for my gears...
That said... I'm in the heaven right now... just take a look at the pic... (they're mine for 2 weeks )

W.i.M    posted on 23-06-2004 20:24
The picture is on your desktop and not on the web
Waarom lees je dit nu eigenlijk ?
Dogg    posted on 23-06-2004 21:13
Sad I do have to activate my personal website...
Just let me know where I can put it (the picture)...
Dogg    posted on 24-06-2004 16:25
Issue fixed Happy, laughing

User edit by Lead on 27-06-2004 @ 12:15:49 (6%)
Mod edit by Lead on 28-12-2005 09:29 (5%)
W.i.M    posted on 24-06-2004 20:03
But I see a Technics here
Waarom lees je dit nu eigenlijk ?
Zen    posted on 24-06-2004 21:07
Nice way to  compare these players.... The CDJ shortage will be solved in the next  week I gues....
Dogg    posted on 24-06-2004 22:40
I can already tell you after a few hours of test... that I do consider Technics gears as less professional than Pioneer's
They're cool (the rotating platter feeling...)... but Pios are better... much more customizable... much more precise in the way you mix records... just better...

For scratching my hands (that's their choice ) prefers the feeling I'm getting from Pionneer's... Once you've set the brake&start up speed correctly... there's no issue at all... (moreover you should consider the fact that I'm setting up those speeds differently depending on where the gear is (right or left side) as I'm not holding the jog in the same way with my hands) (in that way I'm just feeling more comfortable)

I know that's hardly objective... but this is just the feeling I've got...

Last thing... when you touch the Technics while it's playing... you can feel the vibration due to the high speed rotating CD player... on the Pio side nothing... they're just great

I was a bit anxious when I did bring the gears back at home (you know... the "did I make the good choice" issue...)
Right now, I can sleep happy, according to what I can see at home, I did make the RIGHT one... (and... last but not least that feeling issue CANNOT be fixed by an firmware update!)
Lead    posted on 25-06-2004 00:12
hehehe.... Wise words of wisdom :D
Let the BASS be louder
User edit by Lead on 25-06-2004 @ 00:12:48 (46%)
Dogg    posted on 26-06-2004 22:09
Damned the CDJ just died on me... it did switch itself off... no more possibility to switch it on... sh.t!
Did unplug the power cable, nothing... did switch between DJ and NORMAL mode... still nothing...

F..k, fu... I'm pissed off... I guess that's the fuse...
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