Hi all,
Thinking about a small upgrade in the gear and get rid of the old amp + speakers.
It's for a rather small room, but it would be nice to have some gear sufficient for a little garden/loft party as well.
First thing to come to mind was the KRK Rokit speaker, RP5 or 6 for example. But since these are mostly mentioned as 'pure' monitors I also had a look at some 'full range' speakers and came across a good offer for the Devine Artis 8A and 10A set. I don't necessarily need the purest of sounds, since I will be DJing mostly for myself, so I'm not sure whether I would be happy with pure monitors..?
I also like me some good bass/punch, but since the size of the room I'm not very keen on an additional sub. So, also this made me look towards some nice small full rangers as well. But... although the Devine's are mentioned full range, it's the KRKs who offer a lower minimum freq (40Hz versus 65Hz). Would one really notice this? Or is this an 'audiophile' difference?
I don't mind spending 200+ Euros per speaker, but if the Devine Artis will do for half.. what's against it? Anyone with some experience here?
I've been digging and asking around some more.
The 'Devine Artis' speakers don't seem to be quite what I'll be looking for, as they don't have the 'punch' as I'm told, you'll need an additional sub, and they are directly suited for DJing.
Next to the almost default famous KRKs Rokit RP5 I came across the Pioneer S-DJ-50X. Not so much a 'pure' monitor speaker, as they are a bit coloured with more punchy bass (as far as I read it)... but, that is actually what I'm looking for I guess. I won't be producing, at least not professionally.. perhaps a little mash-up here and there. They're needed for DJing, perhaps a little party, but mostly for fun at home, with a good sound and a nice powerful punchy bass at times, as present in the harder styles dance.
But, I'm a bit worried about the power of a 5 inch woofer. Also, because the 6 and 8 inch are also, more of less, in my price range and would probably provide more power/punch/bass. So the S-DJ80X got my attention!
Anyone got some experience with the Pioneer range S-DJ-X? And preferably versus the Rokit equivalents?
E.g. DJ80X vs the KRK RP8 G4 (which actually cost the same)?
Or someone who can assure me a 5 or 6 inch will do for my purposes, with no need to go as high (and big) as the 8's?
A 5'' speaker per definition has a small cone so it can only push a little bit of air around, for a solid bass sound you want as much air moving as possible. So for a rich bass sound you need the biggest speakers.
8'' is a good option as it is still relatively small but gives a decent sound. You should get the smaller speakers (5 or 6'') if you have neighbours that complain fast
I have experience with the Pioneer S-DJ80X and they give proper sound. It's not a PA speaker, but has solid sound and are not to big.
Your not the first to recommend the DJ80X over the Rokits RP8, for my purposes.
So my choice has been made
My neighbours are out-of-scope for my decision making
6' will probably do, but 8' will do better, also at lower volumes and bass-wise.
Eventhough the situation is now a bit different but perhaps in a bit of time you could go to a shop and check the sound for yourself. At the end speakers are bought on the fact how they sound to you. You might like or dislike a certain sound as sound quality is opinion based and only partly specification based.
Even with a sub-optimal setup, opposed to the common monitor setup, they sound great!
I've placed them behind me due to space limitations. Nonetheless, crisp sound, more than acceptable punch, and the volume (capacity) is just excellent.
Starting to feel sorry for the neighbours, but these puppies can turn the entire attic upside down if they must (and I've tried ).
Still have to connect them with balanced XLR, but even with some old dodgy RCA cables I'm more than happy with them so far!
Only downside (I knew upfront), no USB input, no EQ. But.. those are just minor misses.