Why are certain brands not in the Gearbase?
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Popeye    posted on 15-09-2019 16:44


Does there give Not in Gearbase The Firms of this Mixers ?


Lem DM 82 
Lem DM 81

And more Modells


Pro Acoustics HQ-7U
Pro Acoustics HQ-8U
and more Modells

I Use this Mixer Lem DM 82 and Pro Acoustics HQ 7U

MDDT - DJ Popeye
Mod edit by Lead on 26-12-2019 01:00 (8%)

What do you think about Why are certain brands not in the Gearbase? ??

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Lead    posted on 19-09-2019 11:56

Hey @Popeye, nice to see you here.

These models are not in our gearbase currently, at some point we had to clean up the database and draw a line where real dj gear stopped and semi-pro/live music begins. The mixers you mention can indeed be used as DJ mixers, but they where not on our radar untill now.

Adding a new brand for only 2 products is a bit extreme, but I'll dive into int and look if we should add them. Is there any chance that you have a high resolution image of these products ?
 Perhaps even the manual that you can send me the product sepcifications page of so I can add these items ?


Let the BASS be louder
Popeye    posted on 10-10-2019 00:00


Yes i can Send  You next time some High Resolution Pictures of  this Mixers.

Must make this Pictures before i send You.

Manual i have Only from The LEM DM 82


All this Mixers are Discothek Mixer from The 80s ,they have hat a lower Price we The Good Old 

Dynacord M1 

Dynacord M2




MDDT - DJ Popeye
User edit by Popeye on 10-10-2019 @ 00:01:01 (15%)
Lead    posted on 28-10-2019 16:18

LEM was not added as a brand because they only had a few (very few) mixers/products that can be classified as DJ gear, the main focus of their brand was always (semi) pro audio gear.

For Dynacord that is something simular, this is a pro audio brand that makes lots of pro-audio equipment. They made some DJ mixer models but they got discontinues pretty fast due to the 'success' of sales of these models unfortunatly.

Same would go for Soundcraft, but their few dj mixer came out in an era that can be seen as the 'beginings' of the rise of DJing, hence the fact this brand is added.

I can add brands but then would need to have at least 2-3 products complete filled in (modelnrs, images, product specifications). If the info is available I can add the brands so items can then be added onwards. I try to make a solid start for each brand myself to give a good example.

Let the BASS be louder

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