Shure Whitelabel VS. Ortofon Nightclub Concor
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Poll : Whitelabel vs. Nightclub

-Shure Whitelabel
-Ortofon Nightclub Concorde

Voting is only possible for our Members
teddyaakre    posted on 23-06-2006 18:52
What do you think is better, and why??

What do you think about Shure Whitelabel VS. Ortofon Nightclub Concor ??

Vote :   

Lukaz    posted on 23-06-2006 19:10
hmm,, i'm working with the Concorde Pro.. so I can't answere..
Why do you don't post piccs so people can see were you're talking about..
the-melody    posted on 23-06-2006 19:30

Here you goHappy, laughing


User edit by the-melody on 23-06-2006 @ 20:01:30 (100%)
gethigh    posted on 23-06-2006 19:50
melody, the ortofon you poster isnt the nightclub, you posted the pro-s
ortofon concorde nightclub

This is the nightclub^
User edit by gethigh on 23-06-2006 @ 19:51:00 (59%)
the-melody    posted on 23-06-2006 20:01
sorry i fixed itHappy, laughing
Lead    posted on 23-06-2006 20:35
Poster: teddyaakre
What do you think is better, and why??

And what's you're opinion Confused
Let the BASS be louder
jordy    posted on 23-06-2006 22:06
i didn't really noticed any big diffrence.. but! i did like the looks more from Whitelabel Winking my eye

and everyone told me that the Shure was a bit better for my records.. so.. well Happy, laughing

but Ortofon's are great ass well Winking my eye
teddyaakre    posted on 23-06-2006 22:45
Poster: Lead

And what's you're opinion Confused

I have a lot of experience with the ortofons, and I like them a lot.. The reason I'm asking is because my two new turntables are coming, and I have to get new ones.. and I am not sure if i should stick with the ortofons or make a change... I have only heard the shure's for about 20 minutes.. I was quite impressed, so im just checking for other peoples opinions to verify whether i should change or not :D
If that makes sense......
gethigh    posted on 24-06-2006 17:59
they say you need to be lucky to get a stable needle
teddyaakre    posted on 24-06-2006 18:58
Poster: gethigh
they say you need to be lucky to get a stable needle

Eh.. what do you mean?
jordy    posted on 26-06-2006 00:51
Poster: teddyaakre

Eh.. what do you mean?

That you have a chanche the "needle" included with the Element (or seperately) could be bad...

but 1 have 2.. and both were fine..

Maybe i'm just lucky Winking my eye
User edit by jordy on 26-06-2006 @ 00:51:48 (10%)

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