Would like to see vid CDTT face off between..
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Jamie1982    posted on 20-06-2006 00:03
Just viewed the Video demo pitching Denons DNS5000 & Pio CDJ1000 against the crappy Technics, love the video, was just the thing I've been looking for.? I will be purchasing a pair CDTT's soon and it's a choice between Pio's CDJ1000mkIII, Denons DNS3500 (Love the idea of Direct drive platter) and Denons DNS5000.? I really liked the sound of the Denon 5000 on the video.?

I would love to see a face of between these three CDTT's (CDJ1000mkIII DNS5000 and DNS3500), it would help me decide, and no doubt hundreds of others, there is a massive debate on which one is the best player on every forum I've been on!??Pleeeeaase..

Mod edit by Zen on 08-01-2011 18:49 (7%)

What do you think about Would like to see vid CDTT face off between.. ??

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Winston    posted on 21-06-2006 00:47
You already saw a face off between the DN-S5000 and the CDJ-1000MK2 in the first video.

So the video you're looking for is a face off just between the CDJ-1000MK3 and the DN-S3500?
Tic Toc
Jamie1982    posted on 21-06-2006 10:59
Yes mainly, maybe also inlude a DN-S5000.  I think these are the top three pro tabletop CDTT's, no others?  See how they sound next to each other and abuse the 3500 & 5000 like in the CDJ vids

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