Korg Kaospad 2 Effect Combinations
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Jamie1982    posted on 19-06-2006 23:53
Hi, it is mentioned in the thread 'EFX1000 vs KP2' that you can combine effects on the KP2, is this true, or have I read it wrong.

I'm pretty shure you can with the EFX, but didn't know you could with KP2, if you can, would really like to know how.

As continuation of that thread; I've owned the KP2 for over a year, it's a great effector but is very limited, the EFX1000 is way ahead, in terms of Sound Quality and diversity, for instance, with the beat repeat you can only go 1/4 on the KP2 while the EFX goes to 1/16 or 1/32, not shure which.
Mod edit by Zen on 08-01-2011 18:48 (11%)

What do you think about Korg Kaospad 2 Effect Combinations ??

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Lead    posted on 20-06-2006 23:20
Which thread do you mean Jamie ?

EFX-1000 definitly has this possibility. The Kaos pad 2 is only limited to 1 effect in my understanding, allthough I'm do not own one (have used/played with it a few times).

I've found some deo's on korg.co.uk :

Video Demonstration

KP2 Demo 1 (mp3, 3.3MB)
KP2 Demo 2 (MP3, 2.2MB)

Let the BASS be louder
Jamie1982    posted on 21-06-2006 00:30
the EFX1000 vs Kaoss Pad 2 thraed, thanks for the demo's, didn't think you could use more than 1 effect at once.
BillyArd    posted on 26-06-2006 15:58
Listen 2 the example , reverb and phaser together.
there are combinations !
Happy, laughing

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