Removing 'pops' from records
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teddyaakre    posted on 17-05-2006 00:27
I know we all have the problem of your records wearing etc. But is there any way of removing the annoying 'pops' etc.. and other sounds?? Because i have a record a love so much.. and?i hate it when you hear the pops like crazy in the amazing break...

Mod edit by Zen on 08-01-2011 18:51 (9%)

What do you think about Removing 'pops' from records ??

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Camino    posted on 17-05-2006 00:44
hmm i dont think there's all too much you can do about that. I know that if you digitalize them, there are certain PC programs that can remove pops and hum and all that good stuff... but about the record itself there's not much you can do that i know of.

ps: what does "Du ville leve uten grenser, men med konsekvenser" mean? its quite simillar to dutch actually, if i'm right in what i think it means
Lead    posted on 17-05-2006 01:27
I don't think you can get ride of all those ticks. Some might be dried out drops of fluid, this usually whispes of quit easy. The deeper one might be damages of the vinyl.

When you digitize the track and use software like Steinberg Cleaner you can repair a lot but what's lost cannot be re-created Winking my eye
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