The Efx-1000 vs. The Korg Kaoss Pad 2
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teddyaakre    posted on 15-05-2006 12:51
Why do people say that the efx-1000 is more professional than the kaoss pad?? Is there any reasoning for this? Does one of them have better sound quality? What are the pros and cons of the two?

What do you think about The Efx-1000 vs. The Korg Kaoss Pad 2 ??

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BillyArd    posted on 15-05-2006 13:18
quote Teddy:Why do people say that the efx-1000 is more professional than the kaoss pad??

Billy: i don,t know teddy , the kaoss is more intuitive and therefor more a kind of instrument .

It`,s voor shure a professional machine , just like the EFX.

Their both pro.

I believe the bithdepth of de EXF is a bit deeper than the kaoss.

EFX is easy to use, the kaoss needs practice.

I guess it,s a fact of what`s best for you !

Camino    posted on 15-05-2006 14:15
The two effects are of very different price classes.

But, in my opinion, the difference between the two processors are quantity/quality. The EFX has fewer effects, but all of them sound great and you have a great control over the parameters. The KP2 has many effects, but they are not all that great... the levels arent all the same, a lot of the effect combinations are (to me) useless. However, i don't agree with BillyArd that the KP2 isn't intuative... the touchpad feels very natural and you pick up on how to use it quickly. Its just hard to get the effects exactly how you want, and you have to know where to find the effects you want to use (number-wise)

BillyArd    posted on 15-05-2006 15:03
2 deaf dj :READ .....LOL !

I said that the kaoss is more intuitive then,..........

i didn,t say that it wasn,t intuitive ,.......cause it really IS intuitive !

Happy, laughing

Lead    posted on 15-05-2006 19:01
EFX-1000 is in no way compareable with the Kaospad.

EFX = 24-bit/96kHz technology, Korg uses 16 bit I believe.
EFX has lots of hands-on parameter controlls while on the Korg it's nearly impossible to create the same effect twice.
EFX gives more combinations of effects, in sync with the BPM of the playing track.
EFX has digital inputs and outputs
EFX has Midi control and Digital Link to the DJM-1000
Let the BASS be louder
Camino    posted on 15-05-2006 19:49
exactly... hence the different price tags. a more fair comparison would be the KP2 vs. EFX500... @BillyArd: I was refering to "EFX is easy to use, the kaoss needs practice," but maybe I interpreted what you said wrong. I'm not quite sure what you mean with that line then...
MauriceForge    posted on 16-05-2006 17:07
the kp 2 can also be controlled via midi
Laidback    posted on 16-05-2006 18:06
Poster: Lead
EFX-1000 is in no way compareable with the Kaospad.

EFX = 24-bit/96kHz technology, Korg uses 16 bit I believe.
EFX has lots of hands-on parameter controlls while on the Korg it's nearly impossible to create the same effect twice.
EFX gives more combinations of effects, in sync with the BPM of the playing track.
EFX has digital inputs and outputs
EFX has Midi control and Digital Link to the DJM-1000

                                   ^What He Sais ^

Ive checked it..
But the EFX-1000 is a Whole different Story compared to the Korg Kaos pad..
Both very nice to have..
But The EFX is Completely Digital..
and this is an Very Good Point >

"EFX has lots of hands-on parameter controlls while on the Korg it's nearly impossible to create the same effect twice."

MauriceForge    posted on 16-05-2006 18:14
ehmz, its not so imposibble cause you can record your fingermovements, and then with one touch play it again
BillyArd    posted on 17-05-2006 09:43
@ Forge:indeed that is true, it,s a kind of tiny motion sequencer.

It records the movement you make on the pad , and then with the dedicated lever you can call the manipulated fx back exactly the way you played it before .

Camino    posted on 17-05-2006 13:37
yeah... but thats with a maximum "sample time" - so to speak - of around 3 sec, you can only have one recorded movement stored, and the movement is lost as soon as you turn off the KP... Its nice if you want to repeat the same effect once or twice within a small timeframe, but not very useful for storing your manipulations on the long run. However, if you come up with something that sounds good, it becomes almost second nature from recreating the effect over and over, so i wouldn't say that its impossible to create the same effect twice.

MauriceForge    posted on 17-05-2006 16:58
2 deaf dj : thats true, you just have to "know" your gear...and that goes for all dj gear

Ferrox    posted on 17-05-2006 18:16
I am interessted in these two. I have a Xone-92, and they give as an example the KP2 and the possibillity to connect it with midi for the beat effects. Sow this is also possible with the EFX?

Budget isn't the problem here, but the choice. De KP looks more complete. But the EFX is much better in quallity.

I'll just wait I think.

MauriceForge    posted on 17-05-2006 19:19
ive used the xone in combination with the kp2, (sold my kp2), but its works very good, by connecting the kp to the aux channels is really fun, and especially when you connect the kp2 via midi you can control the effects of the kp2 with the vcf knobs from the x92, one vcf for the x as (don''t know the word as in english hehe) en the other vcf knob for the y as.

so you can turn your effects into the mix.

and when connected thru the aux channels you have 4 band eq plus gain control for your kp2

Ferrox    posted on 17-05-2006 19:38
Poster: MauriceForge
ive used the xone in combination with the kp2, (sold my kp2), but its works very good, by connecting the kp to the aux channels is really fun, and especially when you connect the kp2 via midi you can control the effects of the kp2 with the vcf knobs from the x92, one vcf for the x as (don''t know the word as in english hehe) en the other vcf knob for the y as.

so you can turn your effects into the mix.

and when connected thru the aux channels you have 4 band eq plus gain control for your kp2


That sounds verry atractive!. But has the EFX also this posibillities?

Twizz    posted on 17-05-2006 19:46
ik den k dat je 2 korgs nodig hebt, als je de pioneer hebt dan heb je er denkik maar een nodig want hij is een stuk duurder(dat gevoel heb ik dan)
i think you need 2 korgs instead of 1 efx1000 because its a lot expensiver(thats my opninion)
User edit by Twizz on 31-05-2006 @ 19:11:44 (68%)
MauriceForge    posted on 17-05-2006 19:56
well i don't know if the efx works with the xone's midi signal,i only know that abbleton and the kp2 work with the xone. maybe you can try it somewhere, or contact pioneer about midi functionallity with the efx but i seriously doubt it. 
or even better go for the x3d to have control of everything!
teddyaakre    posted on 17-05-2006 21:42
what is x3d??
Ferrox    posted on 17-05-2006 22:22
Poster: teddyaakre
what is x3d??

A xone 3D.

That one is to expensive. But I want to know if you can handle the EFX with de midi knobs of de Xone92. If that is possible then they are even in my eyes. And the choice becomes again al little complexer..

Camino    posted on 17-05-2006 23:33
check on i'm pretty sure yon can find all the info you need on the xone:92/EFX1000 combination there Happy, laughing
Ferrox    posted on 31-05-2006 11:44

I checked it out. But All I can find is that you need a pc to connect those 2?
so you can route de midi information :S

That's not handy. But it is possible at home..

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