Beginner: Which pro equipment (1/2)
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JAZZ    posted on 08-05-2006 18:08
hey guys i want to step in to the pro. DJ and i just have ( hercules dj console mk2 )
am here to ask u about the best kit or the best equipments that i can get to start the pro.
and plz for more helping can u just tell me the prices of the machines that ur gonna tell me about Happy, laughing


[moved to DJ Gear]
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What do you think about Beginner: Which pro equipment ??

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Camino    posted on 08-05-2006 18:19
really depends on your budget... with a standard setup of 2 CDJ1000's and a DJM600, thats already around a good 3500 euros... over 4500 USD... add another 1000 USD if u want to have turntables as well... but you can already get a beginners set for as low as 500 USD... what price range were you thinking in? What are you planning on using; vinyl or CD?
JAZZ    posted on 08-05-2006 18:24
preferd to be mp3 if the quality of the machines is the same of the audio
and a mixer
i want the best of them cuz i dont have a budget i just want to know how much it will cost  
now i have (2000$) so i want to know how much do i have to save more to get the best 
as u know i want to get the best once and for all 
                                                                                                 RESPECTS !!!

JAZZ    posted on 08-05-2006 18:26
sorry but am searching for an 4 or + mixer

Laidback    posted on 08-05-2006 18:32
the the DJM-800 would be A bit pricy.. hehe

and the Cdj-800Mk2 is a Good Pro DJ CD-player..

with MP3 support..!!

Camino    posted on 08-05-2006 18:32
the best of the best (within reason) is a combination of the CDJ 1000 MK3 and the DJM 800... this setup will cost you around a good 4000 USD, depending on how much gear costs where you live
JAZZ    posted on 08-05-2006 18:38
sorry i ask a lot of questions but dont have any idea about these stuff

but wht is the difference between the    cdj-800mk2 and the cdj1000mk3 ?

Camino    posted on 08-05-2006 18:43
the CDJ 1000 has, on top of the functions of the 800;

-Waveform display, where you get a visual representation of the buildup of a track by means of a histogram...

-Adjustible Jogwheel resistance (harder or softer to turn the wheel)

-More reliable for on the road

-Memory card... you can save your cue points and loops on a memory card so you can easily transfer them to another CDJ1000 (eg in a club)

- A 6 and a 16 % pitchrange selection (as well as the 10 and 100)

-Loop IN adjust

And a few other things; its the club standard and of higher quality than the 800

JAZZ    posted on 08-05-2006 18:47
so can we say that  i have to pay 5000$  for the  cd's and mixer with some other stuff ?

Camino    posted on 08-05-2006 18:49
its hard to name a definite budget as prices vary greatly from country to country... but yes; an ammount like that would be in order..
TheSupercrab    posted on 08-05-2006 18:58
i think it will be alot cheaper in US.. (all DJ stuff was last time i checked) so you could probably get 2x CDJ 1000 MK3 and 1x DJM - 800 for about 4000 dollars.. maybe even less.
JAZZ    posted on 08-05-2006 18:59
ok thnx a lot guys for helping


Camino    posted on 08-05-2006 19:02
yeah... lebanon is a while's away from the US though Winking my eye
Lukaz    posted on 08-05-2006 20:35

I see your problem and I wanne help you!
I wouldn't advise you the DJM 800 because maybe do you just don't like the way it does, maybe do you like the Ecler Neo5 much more, I don't know, I could advise you the Xone: 92 to.. I can advise you try some mixers before you buy! Or take a look in here for a good look about the Pro Gear in the DJ Scene about Mixers.

If you don't wanne spin with vinyl ( Unhappy Winking my eye) I also, like the other dj's before my post, can Advise you the CDJ1000Mk3, but maybe you don't have enough money Happy, laughing (my problem) you could think about the CDJ800Mk2, but also here do you maybe have the same problem about feeling and do you don't like Pioneer..
A other option is, if you like the felling of vinyl: the Numark CDX. With this CD-Player you playing with CD's but with the feeling of Tutntables!!

Good Luck!! (I forget the blue things are clickable Winking my eye)
User edit by Lukaz on 08-05-2006 @ 20:37:29 (6%)
JAZZ    posted on 08-05-2006 20:54
thnx men for helping :

about the NumarK cdx i didnt like it  ( i try it )  i perfer the cdj1000mk3

and about the mixers i dont know am gonna ask the DJ;s in our country to see wht is the best for the clubs and partys

and i told the guys i dont care for the money i just want to know how much is the budget to save for it money ( once and for all ) :D



Lead    posted on 08-05-2006 23:35
CDJ-1000mk3 is one of the nicest players to buy, CDJ-800MK2 is also good if you don't need the extra options. And perhaps for home use as a mixer, the DJM-400 would do nicely if you want to lower the price Winking my eye

Also check our our Ultimate CDJ comparison.
Let the BASS be louder
JAZZ    posted on 09-05-2006 15:11
k thnx guys but wanna ask wht is the difference if a mixer had a (USB plug ) or it doesnt have cuz between the mixers that u gave me the PIONEER dont have 1 but theres one that have

wht can i do on the computer with the mixer ( IS IT A GOOD OPTION ) that one day i have to get a mixer with usb plug or i can work as pro. without the plug ?

Camino    posted on 09-05-2006 17:57
if you want to incorporate your PL in to your DJ set... which I wouldn't advise in the first place... you're better off just buying a good soundcard... the USB connections are pointless (although if you are desperate and rich the allen&heath Xone:3D might be an option)
JAZZ    posted on 09-05-2006 17:59
i told u that i have the  ( hercules dj console  MK2 ) so i have an incredebal sound card  wht i was asking if the usb plug in the mixer will help in anything difficult without it Happy, laughing

Camino    posted on 09-05-2006 18:12
nah... I believe you're on about the numark mixers? as far as I know is that these mixers internally (and not even that well) convert the digital USB signal into analogue... with the DJM800 you can use the midi signal (in combination with some other hard/software) to control any professional DJ software on your computer. But, if you have your CDJ's, you won't even want to use your computer anymore probably.
JAZZ    posted on 09-05-2006 18:17
k let me tell u my plan
i was thinking about getting a mixer with 4 channels then i get the x2  cd1000mk3
and i plug them in the mixer then i have 2 more channels
i plug the  hercules dj console mk2 in the mixer ( then i have 4 decks )
2 cd players and 2 from the computer  and i still have 1 channel if theres somthing new to get Happy, laughing
SO as u told me i ignor the usb in the mixer and i get a normal one as the  djm800
JAZZ    posted on 10-05-2006 21:20
sorry guys but 1 more question

are all the mixers ( pionner  )  have the same options wht ever was the number of channels (  all like the   djm800 video ) same options but other form and channels ?

    RESPECTS !!!

Camino    posted on 10-05-2006 21:56
check out the mixers on this site... it has all the pioneers. And by the way - once you have your CDJ's... you won't be using your hercules console anymore... i'll bet you anything on that
JAZZ    posted on 11-05-2006 14:32
but i cant put over 40 gb on audi discs ( cuz mp3 its dificult to put the bpm )

so i use the popular songs on CD;s and other on computer :D

Camino    posted on 11-05-2006 19:56
ah ok like that... well u can still fit a good 120 tracks on each CD so on 100 cd's... you can get quite some music.
JAZZ    posted on 16-05-2006 15:57
hey guys just this question plz
if i want to get a very simple turntables  whts the name of the best and wht is the name of there discs and the size ?
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